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NR APM (Application Performance and Monitoring) Stack

NR APM (Application Performance and Monitoring) Stack allows teams to tactically respond to potential issues and strategically investigate their KPIs. It is delivered using OpenSearch hosted on AWS. OpenSearch is a open source search and analytics suite derived from Elasticsearch & Kibana.

This README is for developers deploying NR APM Stack. See our Github site for integration documentation.

More Documentation

OpenSearch documentation is located here:

For end-users, our training, use cases and testimonials are located here:

For developers and product owners, our integration documentation is located here:

Getting Started

This project contains all the source code and supporting files for the APM Stack. It consists of a serverless application for processing documents, a workflow cli for handling maintenance and the AWS SAM template for deploying to AWS.

The CI/CD pipeline uses Github actions to deploy and maintain the product.

Built With

AWS Services

Deployment Stack


Local Development Setup

To develop, you need the following tools.

Local Deployment Setup

If you want to run SAM locally, you will need to install the CLI in addition to the development tools.

AWS - Environment Variables

The environment variables that SAM uses are documented in the AWS CLI documentation. They can be obtained from the Cloud PathFinder login page and clicking on "Click for Credentials" of the appropriate project/environment.



To build, run the following in your shell:

sam build

After you build, you can do local testing of the Lambda using sam as well as deploying it.


To deploy, run the following in your shell:

sam deploy --guided

For production, running the deployment locally is not recommended.

Github Setup

Secrets - Environment Specific

Secrets - Global

  • MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY - The maxmind geo ip lookup licence. Also in Vault.

Pushing to Kinesis

To push to Kinesis, you need the arn of the stream (nr-apm-stack-documents) and a role with a policy with permission to push to that stream. The arn is to be kept secret because it contains the account number.


  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Configuration as Code
  • GitOps:
    • Describe the entire system declaratively
    • Version the canonical desired system state in Git
    • Automatically apply approved changes to the desired state
    • Ensure correctness and alert on divergence with software agents