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devcenter center 2024 05 01 preview (#27863)
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* Adds base for updating Microsoft.DevCenter from version preview/2023-10-01-preview to version 2024-05-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* add new changes for 2024-05-01-preview

* run prettier and fix

* Add directive to supress HostParametersValidation lintdiff errors

* fix  ntegerTypeMustHaveFormat lintdiff error

* add suppression for OperationIdNounVerb

* Add new API changes in TypeSpec

* Generate the swagger from TypeSpec

* fix tag name

* Fix package tag for real

* Add missing examples to TypeSpec folder

* Recompile

* Few more fixes

* Some more fixes

* Fix validateCustomizationTasksAction route to be LRO

* Fix issues with examples. Remove a couple of old ones. Add two missing ones

* Run linter

* Validate Customization group route changes

* Fix another example with accept header/param

* Update visbility since the name can be used in post actions

* Needs to be CREATE visibility per documentation

* Rename timeout to timeoutInSeconds

* Merge latest with main, fix package-lock issue, run npx tsv devcenter

* Update comment as per PR suggestions

* Change route

* Remove regionality from supporting documents link, use Azure.Core.Foundations.Error object instead of our own

* Configure param with query parameter traits

* Add a missing space

* Fix header, should actually be in response

* Fix warnings due to missing doc descriptions

* Run linter

* use dayton's wording for tasks include parameter

* Remove unncessary statusCode in response object

* Remove unnecessary @action decorator since the action name is already included in the route


Co-authored-by: Sneha Nagendra <>
Co-authored-by: Arber Hila <>
Co-authored-by: Arber Hila <>
  • Loading branch information
4 people committed May 13, 2024
1 parent a542d7d commit f9fb4b1
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Showing 126 changed files with 11,737 additions and 10 deletions.
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions specification/devcenter/DevCenter/DevBox/models.tsp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,6 +187,78 @@ union ScheduledFrequency {

@doc("Type of the parameter.")
union CustomizationTaskDefinitionParameterType {
@doc("The parameter accepts a string value.")
string: "string",

@doc("The parameter accepts a number value.")
number: "number",

@doc("The parameter accepts a boolean value.")
boolean: "boolean",


@doc("What account to run the task as.")
union CustomizationTaskExecutionAccount {
@doc("The SYSTEM account.")
System: "System",

@doc("The account of the signed in user.")
User: "User",


@doc("Status of a customization task.")
union CustomizationTaskStatus {
@doc("The task has not yet started.")
NotStarted: "NotStarted",

@doc("The task is currently executing.")
Running: "Running",

@doc("The task successfully executed.")
Succeeded: "Succeeded",

@doc("The task reference is not valid.")
FailedValidation: "FailedValidation",

@doc("he task was skipped.")
Skipped: "Skipped",

@doc("The task timed out.")
TimedOut: "TimedOut",

@doc("The task failed to execute.")
Failed: "Failed",

@doc("The task is awaiting the User Account Control (UAC) prompt to be approved. (See more at:")
WaitingForUserInputUac: "WaitingForUserInputUac",

@doc("The task is awaiting the user to connect to the Dev Box to execute.")
WaitingForUserSession: "WaitingForUserSession",


@doc("Status of validating a list of customization tasks.")
union CustomizationTaskListValidationStatus {
@doc("Validation succeeded.")
Succeeded: "Succeeded",

@doc("Validation failed.")
Failed: "Failed",


@doc("The power states of a Dev Box.")
union PowerState {
@doc("The Dev Box power state is not known.")
Expand All @@ -207,6 +279,36 @@ union PowerState {

@doc("Status of validating a list of customization tasks.")
union ListCustomizationGroupsIncludeProperty {
@doc("Include list of tasks in the response.")
tasks: "tasks",


@doc("Status of a customization group.")
union CustomizationGroupStatus {
@doc("The customization group has not yet started.")
NotStarted: "NotStarted",

@doc("The customization group is currently executing.")
Running: "Running",

@doc("All tasks in the customization group successfully executed.")
Succeeded: "Succeeded",

@doc("At least one task in the customization group failed.")
Failed: "Failed",

@doc("At least one task in the customization group failed validation.")
ValidationFailed: "ValidationFailed",


@doc("The type of action which will take place on a Dev Box.")
union DevBoxActionType {
@doc("The action will stop the Dev Box.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,6 +639,10 @@ model RemoteConnection {

@doc("Link to open a Remote Desktop session.")
rdpConnectionUrl?: url;

@doc("Link to open a remote desktop session via a dev box's underlying Cloud PC (This will default to Windows App).")
cloudPcConnectionUrl?: url;

@doc("An action which will take place on a Dev Box.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,3 +788,168 @@ model DevBoxRepairOperationResult {
@doc("The result message associated with the repair operation.")
message?: string;

@doc("The Customization Task list result.")
model CustomizationTaskDefinitionResult
is Azure.Core.Page<CustomizationTaskDefinition>;

@doc("Represents a task to be used in customizing a Dev Box.")
model CustomizationTaskDefinition {
@doc("Full name of the task: {catalogName}/{taskName}.")
name: string;

@doc("Name of the catalog that the task belongs to.")
catalogName: string;

@doc("The unique URI of the customization task.")
uri?: url;

@doc("Description of the task.")
description?: string;

@doc("Parameters for the task.")
parameters?: Record<CustomizationTaskDefinitionParameter>;

@doc("Parameters for a customization task.")
model CustomizationTaskDefinitionParameter {
@doc("Description of the parameter.")
description?: string;

@doc("Type of the parameter.")
type: CustomizationTaskDefinitionParameterType;

@doc("Whether or not the parameter is required.")
required?: boolean;

@doc("Default value for the parameter.")
default?: string;

@doc("Allowed values for the parameter.")
allowed?: string[];

@doc("Represents a list of tasks to apply to a Dev Box")
model CustomizationTaskList {
@doc("Tasks to apply.")
tasks?: CustomizationTask[];

@doc("A customization task to run on a Dev Box.")
model CustomizationTask {
@doc("Name of the task.")
@visibility("read", "create")
name: string;

@doc("Parameters for the task.")
parameters?: Record<string>;

@doc("Display name to help differentiate multiple instances of the same task.")
displayName?: string;

@doc("Timeout, in seconds. Overrides any timeout provided on the task definition.")
timeoutInSeconds?: int32;

@doc("What account to run the task as.")
runAs?: CustomizationTaskExecutionAccount;

@doc("ID of the task instance.")
id?: string;

@doc("The unique URI for retrieving the task logs.")
logUri?: string;

@doc("Status of the task.")
status?: CustomizationTaskStatus;

@doc("Start time of the task.")
startTime?: utcDateTime;

@doc("End time of the task.")
endTime?: utcDateTime;

@doc("The operation result of validating a list of customization tasks.")
model CustomizationTaskListValidationOperationResult {

@doc("Outcome of validation.")
result?: CustomizationTaskListValidationResult;

@doc("The result of validating a list of customization tasks.")
model CustomizationTaskListValidationResult {
@doc("Outcome of validation.")
validationResult: CustomizationTaskListValidationStatus;

@doc("List of validation errors. Absent if no errors.")
errors?: CustomizationTaskListValidationError[];

@doc("All of the validation errors for a customization task.")
model CustomizationTaskListValidationError {
@doc("The customization task that the error is about.")
target: CustomizationTask;

@doc("List of validation errors for the task.")
details: Azure.Core.Foundations.Error[];

@doc("Represents a list of tasks to apply to a Dev Box.")
model CustomizationGroup {
Tasks to apply. Note by default tasks are excluded from the response when
listing customization groups. To include them, use the `include=tasks` query
tasks?: CustomizationTask[];

@doc("The unique URI of the customization group.")
uri?: string;

@doc("Name of the customization group.")
name: string;

@doc("Status of the customization group.")
status?: CustomizationGroupStatus;

@doc("Start time of the customization group.")
startTime?: utcDateTime;

@doc("End time of the customization group.")
endTime?: utcDateTime;

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