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Email Classification Model

This repository contains a machine learning model for email classification, distinguishing between spam and non-spam emails. The model is trained using a dataset of labeled spam and non-spam emails. It utilizes a combination of logistic regression and Naive Bayes algorithms in an ensemble approach, implemented through a VotingClassifier.


  • Data preprocessing: The model extracts and transforms email content into numerical features using TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) technique.
  • Class imbalance handling: To tackle class imbalance, the majority class (non-spam) is undersampled during training.
  • Ensemble model: The VotingClassifier combines predictions from logistic regression and Naive Bayes classifiers using a soft voting strategy.
  • Evaluation metrics: Model performance is evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.


  • Install the required dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file by running
pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Run the script to launch the Streamlit application locally.
  • Access the application in your browser using the provided local URL.
  • Enter the email content in the input box and click "Classify" to obtain the prediction of whether the email is spam or not.
  • The result will be displayed to show whether the email content is spam or not.


This email classification model aims to enhance email management by effectively identifying and filtering spam emails. It can be integrated into existing email systems or utilized as a standalone solution.