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Deep Learning for Content-based Image Retrieval in Biomedical Applications - Master's Thesis

This repository contains the implementation of the Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) framework for biomedical applications. The project focuses on utilizing deep learning techniques for image retrieval tasks.

The code files are organized as follows:

  • The database folder: Contains 16 Python files related to the CBIR framework, including indexing images into Redis, feature extraction models, dataset creation, database and indexing structures, K-means clustering, loss definitions, model architectures, image reconstruction, image retrieval, t-SNE visualization, utility functions, and dataset visualization.
  • The script folder: Contains automated scripts used during the thesis to run multiple methods at once.
  • The data_visualization folder: Contains various graphs and files summarizing the data, such as samples from each class, histograms, etc.
  • The cms folder: Contains graphs generated for the models.
  • The excel_results folder: Contains the accuracies of the diverse methods tested in this work.


The packages needed to run this code cna be installed using requirements.txt.

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Code Files

Here is a quick description of each code file within the database folder:

  • Code for indexing images into Redis. Requires a pre-trained feature extractor.
  • Contains the architecture and loss functions related to the autoencoder models.
  • Computes metrics for a classification model (note: it was developed early in the thesis and may require modifications for later use).
  • Elements related to the creation of the dataset, making it usable by training, indexing, and search methods.
  • Methods for the database and indexing structures, including initialization, indexing, search, and index training. This file should be run to train the index.
  • Methods related to K-means clustering, such as training, loading the model, and cluster analysis.
  • Definitions of all the losses used for training the feature extraction models.
  • Code for training a new feature extractor, including architecture initialization, downloading pretrained weights, and implementing training concepts.
  • Generates reconstructed images from an autoencoder model.
  • and Architectures of the models for the initial implementation of the Autoencoder.
  • Displays the 10 most similar images to a query image. Requires a pre-trained feature extractor and indexed data.
  • Obtains the results of the CBIR framework. Similar requirements as the previous file.
  • Performs t-SNE on the vectors obtained using a chosen feature extractor. Requires pre-computed vectors and indexed data.
  • Collection of functions used throughout the project.
  • Functions to compute and display different characteristics of the dataset.

Please refer to the individual code files for more detailed information about their content and usage.

Training of a feature extractor

To train a new feature extractor, the file models.pymust be run. It supports the following arguments.

  • --num_features: The size of the feature vectors created by the model (default: 128)
  • --batch_size: the number of images composing a batch (default: 32)
  • --model: the backbone architecture of the feature extractor. Supports ResNet50 (resnet), DenseNet121 (default, densenet), VGG19 (vgg), InceptionV3 (inception), KimiaNet (knet), Swin_v2_b (swin), ViT_b_16 (vision), CvT_21 (cvt), ConvNext_tiny (conv), DeiT (deit), VAE (vae), BYOL (byol), a basic contrastive autoencoder (auto) and a ResNet or VGG based autoencoder (vgg16, vgg11, resnet18, resnet50)
  • --weights: path where to save the weights of the trained model
  • `dr_model': flag to add if the model must be combined with the Deep Ranking architecture
  • --num_epochs: on how many epochs to train the model (default 5)
  • --training_data: path to where to find the training data. It must be a folder containing one folder per class.
  • --scheduler: the scheduler to use during training. Supports None (default), Step and Exponential
  • --gpu_id: the id in the system onto which to train the model (if parallel not activated)
  • --loss: the loss to use to train the model. Supports: margin (default), proxy_nca_pp, softmax, softtriple for Deep Metric learning. Supports triplet, BCE, contrastive, cosine, infonce (NT-Xent variant) for contrastive learning. For the Autoencoder architectures, the loss is fixed.
  • --freeze: to stop the update of the weights of the pre-trained models
  • --generalise: to train on only half the classes of the dataset (1, 2) or to train the K-means model (3). Default 0
  • --lr,--decay,--beta_lr,--gamma,lr_proxies:different hyperparameters that can be tuned
  • --parallel: to split the training on all GPUs available on the system (Flag)
  • --load: specific to the K-means model. If the K-means model must be load rather than re-trained (complete, partial, None)
  • --augmented: When using a contrastive loss, indicates if the sampling must be made using an Augmented approach (Flag)
  • --non_contrastive: when using a contrastive loss, indicates that the pairs must only be positive pairs (Flag)

Indexing of the images

To index the images in the database, the file add_images.pymust be run. It supports the following arguments.

  • --num_features: The size of the feature vectors created by the model used as feature extractor (default: 128)
  • --extractor: the backbone architecture of the feature extractor. Supports ResNet50 (resnet), DenseNet121 (default, densenet), VGG19 (vgg), InceptionV3 (inception), KimiaNet (knet), Swin_v2_b (swin), ViT_b_16 (vision), CvT_21 (cvt), ConvNext_tiny (conv), DeiT (deit), VAE (vae), BYOL (byol), a basic contrastive autoencoder (auto) and a ResNet or VGG based autoencoder (vgg16, vgg11, resnet18, resnet50)
  • --weights: path where were saved the weights of the trained feature extractor
  • dr_model: flag to add if the model is combined with the Deep Ranking architecture
  • --db_name: the name of the database onto which the files will be added (default: db)
  • --path: path to where to find the indexing data. It must be a folder containing one folder per class.
  • --rewrite: indicates if the database must be reinitialized (Flag)
  • --generalise: to index only half the classes of the dataset (1, 2) or to use the K-means model (3). Default 0

Note that previously to run the file, the Redis server must be activated through the use of the command: redis-server

Image Retrieval

To retrieve the most similar images to a query, the file retrieve_images.pymust be run. It supports the following arguments.

  • --num_features: The size of the feature vectors created by the model used as feature extractor (default: 128)
  • --extractor: the backbone architecture of the feature extractor. Supports ResNet50 (resnet), DenseNet121 (default, densenet), VGG19 (vgg), InceptionV3 (inception), KimiaNet (knet), Swin_v2_b (swin), ViT_b_16 (vision), CvT_21 (cvt), ConvNext_tiny (conv), DeiT (deit), VAE (vae), BYOL (byol), a basic contrastive autoencoder (auto) and a ResNet or VGG based autoencoder (vgg16, vgg11, resnet18, resnet50)
  • --weights: path where were saved the weights of the trained feature extractor
  • dr_model: flag to add if the model is combined with the Deep Ranking architecture
  • --db_name: the name of the database onto which to execute the search (default: db)
  • --path: path to where to find the query or a dataset of queries. In the second case, one query per class in the folder will be randomly selected.
  • --generalise: to use only half the classes of the dataset (1, 2) or to use the K-means model (3) in case of the folder of queries. Default 0
  • --nrt_neigh: the number of similar images to retrieve (default 10)
  • --results_dir: path to the directory where to save the retrieved images.

Framework evaluation

To compute the accuracies obtained by a framework, the file test_accuracy.pymust be run. It supports the following arguments.

  • --num_features: The size of the feature vectors created by the model used as feature extractor (default: 128)
  • --extractor: the backbone architecture of the feature extractor. Supports ResNet50 (resnet), DenseNet121 (default, densenet), VGG19 (vgg), InceptionV3 (inception), KimiaNet (knet), Swin_v2_b (swin), ViT_b_16 (vision), CvT_21 (cvt), ConvNext_tiny (conv), DeiT (deit), VAE (vae), BYOL (byol), a basic contrastive autoencoder (auto) and a ResNet or VGG based autoencoder (vgg16, vgg11, resnet18, resnet50)
  • --weights: path where were saved the weights of the trained feature extractor
  • dr_model: flag to add if the model is combined with the Deep Ranking architecture
  • --db_name: the name of the database onto which to execute the search (default: db)
  • --path: path to where to find the query dataset.
  • --generalise: to use only half the classes of the dataset (1, 2) or to use the K-means model (3) in case of the folder of queries. Default 0
  • --measure: the name of the protocol to use. Supports: all, weighted, random, stat, separated, remove
  • --project_name: name of the project onto which to compute the accuracy if only wants the results for one. Default None
  • --class_name: name of the class onto which to ccompute the accuracy
  • --excel_path: if the protocol is 'separated', path to the excel file in which the results of each class will be written
  • --name: name of the excel sheet where the results will be written

Training of the FAISS index

To train the FAISS index in order to later perform approximate search, the file db.pymust be run. It supports the following arguments.

  • --num_features: The size of the feature vectors created by the model used as feature extractor (default: 128)
  • --extractor: the backbone architecture of the feature extractor. Supports ResNet50 (resnet), DenseNet121 (default, densenet), VGG19 (vgg), InceptionV3 (inception), KimiaNet (knet), Swin_v2_b (swin), ViT_b_16 (vision), CvT_21 (cvt), ConvNext_tiny (conv), DeiT (deit), VAE (vae), BYOL (byol), a basic contrastive autoencoder (auto) and a ResNet or VGG based autoencoder (vgg16, vgg11, resnet18, resnet50)
  • --weights: path where were saved the weights of the trained feature extractor
  • dr_model: flag to add if the model is combined with the Deep Ranking architecture
  • --db_name: the name of the database onto which to execute the training (default: db)
  • --generalise: to use only half the classes of the dataset (1, 2) or to use the K-means model (3) in case of the folder of queries. Default 0

Note that the database must have already been filled with the vectors of intterest, prior to the training.


This implementation is based on several other open-source implementations:


Implementation of different cbir frameworks for histopathological images for my master thesis






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