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@Lexikos Lexikos released this 11 Sep 11:30
· 309 commits to alpha since this release

Fixed ByRef parameters erroneously assigning the default value to the caller's VarRef if unset.

Fixed some issues affecting suppressed Alt/Ctrl/Shift/Win hotkeys, such as:

  • *LCtrl:: blocked LCtrl from the active window, but sending Alt-key combinations would fail because the system thinks Ctrl is down, and would therefore send WM_KEYDOWN instead of WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
  • *LAlt:: caused the system to forget any prior {LAlt DownR}, so a remapping such as LCtrl::LAlt would not behave correctly while LAlt is physically down, even though LAlt was suppressed.
  • Other potential issues where the system's low-level tracking of a modifier key doesn't match up with the logical state.

Fixed some issues affecting continuation sections:

  • Escape sequences in the Join option were translated twice, causing ```` to become one literal ` instead of two, ``n to become a linefeed, and similar.
  • `" or `' produced a literal backtick and ended the string, instead of producing a literal quote mark, if the continuation section was enclosed in quotes of the same type and lacked the ` option.

Optimized the automatic escaping of quote marks and backtick in continuation sections.

Fixed breakpoint_list (debugger) returning duplicates on lines containing fat arrow functions.

Fixed +BackgroundDefault failing to override the Gui's BackColor property.

SHA256 hash 2F58A372DC62E70149BD29621CB76049C438204127426299B9A8BDCFF002C23A AutoHotkey_2.0.8_setup.exe B04B1DC45652C59F82CECC30CF9AEA76E5A1BD6CC3FECC450CEF67CBCD825F06