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@Lexikos Lexikos released this 02 Sep 08:22
· 316 commits to alpha since this release

Fixed MouseClickDrag to allow X1 and Y1 to be omitted.

Fixed mouse AltTab hotkeys not suppressing execution of a prefix hotkey, such as 1:: for 1 & WheelDown::AltTab. (Broken by v2.0.4)

Fixed hook hotkeys not recognizing modifiers which are pressed down by SendInput.

Fixed A_AhkPath to not be reliant on the case/format of the command line used to launch the process.

Fixed heap corruption during window searches involving groups. (Broken by v2.0.6)


Fixed #Requires not being detected if followed by a comment other than ; prefer xxx. (Broken by v2.0.6)

Fixed syntax detection misinterpreting multi-line auto-replace hotstrings.

Window Spy

Changed font to Segoe UI size 9, consistent with Dash.

SHA256 hash A6E07CCCC0D66A5894500A057FE92440F1E372BDA4856F148244BA369BF521DE AutoHotkey_2.0.7_setup.exe 3A2F34F529CD12950C905D2C68637BB071A12EBD0C00DD887D807FE6C23DE762