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Merge pull request #12 from SyncFree/reset-map
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Remove-resets map
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bieniusa committed Dec 10, 2016
2 parents 1399780 + a32fabe commit 9637ede
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Showing 6 changed files with 588 additions and 11 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/antidote_crdt.erl
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@

Expand Down
384 changes: 384 additions & 0 deletions src/antidote_crdt_map_rr.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2014 SyncFree Consortium. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

%% @doc module antidote_crdt_map - A add-wins map
%% This map forwards all operations to the embedded CRDTs.
%% Deleting a key tries to reset the entry to its initial state
%% An element exists in a map, if there is at least one update on the key, which is not followed by a remove
%% Resetting the map means removing all the current entries
%% Implementation note:
%% The implementation of Add-wins semantic is the same as in orset:
%% Each element has a set of add-tokens.
%% An entry is in the map, if the set of add-tokens is not empty.
%% When an entry is removed, the value is still kept in the state, so that
%% concurrent updates can be reconciled.
%% This could be optimized for certain types



%% API
-export([new/0, value/1, update/2, equal/2, get/2,
to_binary/1, from_binary/1, is_operation/1, downstream/2, require_state_downstream/1, is_bottom/1]).


-type typedKey() :: {Key::term(), Type::atom()}.
-type state() :: dict:dict(typedKey(), {NestedState::term()}).
-type op() ::
{update, nested_op()}
| {update, [nested_op()]}
| {remove, typedKey()}
| {remove, [typedKey()]}
| {batch, {Updates::[nested_op()], Removes::[typedKey()]}}
| {reset, {}}.
-type nested_op() :: {typedKey(), Op::term()}.
-type effect() ::
{Adds::[nested_downstream()], Removed::[nested_downstream()]}.
-type nested_downstream() :: {typedKey(), none | {ok, Effect::term()}}.
-type value() :: orddict:orddict(typedKey(), term()).

-spec new() -> state().
new() ->

-spec value(state()) -> value().
value(Map) ->
lists:sort([{{Key, Type}, Type:value(Value)} || {{Key, Type}, Value} <- dict:to_list(Map)]).

% get a value from the map
% returns empty value if the key is not present in the map
-spec get(typedKey(), value()) -> term().
get({_K, Type}=Key, Map) ->
case orddict:find(Key, Map) of
{ok, Val} -> Val;
error -> Type:value(Type:new())

-spec require_state_downstream(op()) -> boolean().
require_state_downstream(_Op) ->

-spec downstream(op(), state()) -> {ok, effect()}.
downstream({update, {{Key, Type}, Op}}, CurrentMap) ->
downstream({update, [{{Key, Type}, Op}]}, CurrentMap);
downstream({update, NestedOps}, CurrentMap) ->
downstream({batch, {NestedOps, []}}, CurrentMap);
downstream({remove, {Key, Type}}, CurrentMap) ->
downstream({remove, [{Key, Type}]}, CurrentMap);
downstream({remove, Keys}, CurrentMap) ->
downstream({batch, {[], Keys}}, CurrentMap);
downstream({batch, {Updates, Removes}}, CurrentMap) ->
UpdateEffects = [generate_downstream_update(Op, CurrentMap) || Op <- Updates],
RemoveEffects = [generate_downstream_remove(Key, CurrentMap) || Key <- Removes],
{ok, {UpdateEffects, RemoveEffects}};
downstream({reset, {}}, CurrentMap) ->
% reset removes all keys
AllKeys = [Key || {Key, _Val} <- value(CurrentMap)],
downstream({remove, AllKeys}, CurrentMap).

-spec generate_downstream_update({typedKey(), Op::term()}, state()) -> nested_downstream().
generate_downstream_update({{Key, Type}, Op}, CurrentMap) ->
CurrentState =
case dict:is_key({Key, Type}, CurrentMap) of
true -> dict:fetch({Key, Type}, CurrentMap);
false -> Type:new()
{ok, DownstreamEffect} = Type:downstream(Op, CurrentState),
{{Key, Type}, {ok, DownstreamEffect}}.

-spec generate_downstream_remove(typedKey(), state()) -> nested_downstream().
generate_downstream_remove({Key, Type}, CurrentMap) ->
CurrentState =
case dict:is_key({Key, Type}, CurrentMap) of
true -> dict:fetch({Key, Type}, CurrentMap);
false -> Type:new()
DownstreamEffect =
case Type:is_operation({reset, {}}) of
true ->
{ok, _} = Type:downstream({reset, {}}, CurrentState);
false ->
{{Key, Type}, DownstreamEffect}.

-spec update(effect(), state()) -> {ok, state()}.
update({Updates, Removes}, State) ->
State2 = lists:foldl(fun(E, S) -> update_entry(E, S) end, State, Updates),
State3 = dict:fold(fun(K, V, S) -> remove_obsolete(K, V, S) end, new(), State2),
State4 = lists:foldl(fun(E, S) -> remove_entry(E, S) end, State3, Removes),
{ok, State4}.

update_entry({{Key, Type}, {ok, Op}}, Map) ->
case dict:find({Key, Type}, Map) of
{ok, State} ->
{ok, UpdatedState} = Type:update(Op, State),
dict:store({Key, Type}, UpdatedState, Map);
error ->
NewValue = Type:new(),
{ok, NewValueUpdated} = Type:update(Op, NewValue),
dict:store({Key, Type}, NewValueUpdated, Map)

remove_entry({{Key, Type}, {ok, Op}}, Map) ->
case dict:find({Key, Type}, Map) of
{ok, State} ->
{ok, UpdatedState} = Type:update(Op, State),
case is_bottom(Type, UpdatedState) of
true ->
dict:erase({Key, Type}, Map);
false ->
dict:store({Key, Type}, UpdatedState, Map)
error ->
remove_entry({{_Key, _Type}, none}, Map) ->

remove_obsolete({Key, Type}, Val, Map) ->
case is_bottom(Type, Val) of
false ->
dict:store({Key, Type}, Val, Map);
true ->

is_bottom(Type, State) ->
erlang:function_exported(Type, is_bottom, 1) andalso Type:is_bottom(State).

equal(Map1, Map2) ->
Map1 == Map2. % TODO better implementation (recursive equals)

-define(TAG, 101).
-define(V1_VERS, 1).

to_binary(Policy) ->
<<?TAG:8/integer, ?V1_VERS:8/integer, (term_to_binary(Policy))/binary>>.

from_binary(<<?TAG:8/integer, ?V1_VERS:8/integer, Bin/binary>>) ->
{ok, binary_to_term(Bin)}.

is_operation(Operation) ->
case Operation of
{update, {{_Key, Type}, Op}} ->
andalso Type:is_operation(Op);
{update, Ops} when is_list(Ops) ->
distinct([Key || {Key, _} <- Ops])
andalso lists:all(fun(Op) -> is_operation({update, Op}) end, Ops);
{remove, {_Key, Type}} ->
{remove, Keys} when is_list(Keys) ->
andalso lists:all(fun(Key) -> is_operation({remove, Key}) end, Keys);
{batch, {Updates, Removes}} ->
andalso is_list(Removes)
andalso distinct(Removes ++ [Key || {Key, _} <- Updates])
andalso lists:all(fun(Key) -> is_operation({remove, Key}) end, Removes)
andalso lists:all(fun(Op) -> is_operation({update, Op}) end, Updates);
{reset, {}} -> true;
is_bottom -> true;
_ ->

distinct([]) -> true;
distinct([X|Xs]) ->
not lists:member(X, Xs) andalso distinct(Xs).

is_bottom(Map) ->

%% ===================================================================
%% EUnit tests
%% ===================================================================

reset1_test() ->
Map0 = new(),
% DC1: a.incr
{ok, Incr1} = downstream({update, {{a, antidote_crdt_fat_counter}, {increment, 1}}}, Map0),
{ok, Map1a} = update(Incr1, Map0),
% DC1 reset
{ok, Reset1} = downstream({reset, {}}, Map1a),
{ok, Map1b} = update(Reset1, Map1a),
% DC2 a.remove
{ok, Remove1} = downstream({remove, {a, antidote_crdt_fat_counter}}, Map0),
{ok, Map2a} = update(Remove1, Map0),
% DC2 --> DC1
{ok, Map1c} = update(Remove1, Map1b),
% DC1 reset
{ok, Reset2} = downstream({reset, {}}, Map1c),
{ok, Map1d} = update(Reset2, Map1c),
% DC1: a.incr
{ok, Incr2} = downstream({update, {{a, antidote_crdt_fat_counter}, {increment, 2}}}, Map1d),
{ok, Map1e} = update(Incr2, Map1d),

io:format("Map0 = ~p~n", [Map0]),
io:format("Incr1 = ~p~n", [Incr1]),
io:format("Map1a = ~p~n", [Map1a]),
io:format("Reset1 = ~p~n", [Reset1]),
io:format("Map1b = ~p~n", [Map1b]),
io:format("Remove1 = ~p~n", [Remove1]),
io:format("Map2a = ~p~n", [Map2a]),
io:format("Map1c = ~p~n", [Map1c]),
io:format("Reset2 = ~p~n", [Reset2]),
io:format("Map1d = ~p~n", [Map1d]),
io:format("Incr2 = ~p~n", [Incr2]),
io:format("Map1e = ~p~n", [Map1e]),

?assertEqual([], value(Map0)),
?assertEqual([{{a, antidote_crdt_fat_counter}, 1}], value(Map1a)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1b)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map2a)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1c)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1d)),
?assertEqual([{{a, antidote_crdt_fat_counter}, 2}], value(Map1e)).

reset2_test() ->
Map0 = new(),
% DC1: s.add
{ok, Add1} = downstream({update, {{s, antidote_crdt_set_rw}, {add, a}}}, Map0),
{ok, Map1a} = update(Add1, Map0),
% DC1 reset
{ok, Reset1} = downstream({reset, {}}, Map1a),
{ok, Map1b} = update(Reset1, Map1a),
% DC2 s.remove
{ok, Remove1} = downstream({remove, {s, antidote_crdt_set_rw}}, Map0),
{ok, Map2a} = update(Remove1, Map0),
% DC2 --> DC1
{ok, Map1c} = update(Remove1, Map1b),
% DC1 reset
{ok, Reset2} = downstream({reset, {}}, Map1c),
{ok, Map1d} = update(Reset2, Map1c),
% DC1: s.add
{ok, Add2} = downstream({update, {{s, antidote_crdt_set_rw}, {add, b}}}, Map1d),
{ok, Map1e} = update(Add2, Map1d),

io:format("Map0 = ~p~n" , [value(Map0)]),
io:format("Add1 = ~p~n" , [Add1]),
io:format("Map1a = ~p~n" , [value(Map1a)]),
io:format("Reset1 = ~p~n" , [Reset1]),
io:format("Map1b = ~p~n" , [value(Map1b)]),
io:format("Remove1 = ~p~n", [Remove1]),
io:format("Map2a = ~p~n" , [value(Map2a)]),
io:format("Map1c = ~p~n" , [value(Map1c)]),
io:format("Reset2 = ~p~n" , [Reset2]),
io:format("Map1d = ~p~n" , [value(Map1d)]),
io:format("Add2 = ~p~n" , [Add2]),
io:format("Map1e = ~p~n" , [value(Map1e)]),

?assertEqual([], value(Map0)),
?assertEqual([{{s, antidote_crdt_set_rw}, [a]}], value(Map1a)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1b)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map2a)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1c)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1d)),
?assertEqual([{{s, antidote_crdt_set_rw}, [b]}], value(Map1e)).

prop1_test() ->
Map0 = new(),
% DC1: s.add
{ok, Add1} = downstream({update, {{a, antidote_crdt_map_rr}, {update, {{a, antidote_crdt_set_rw}, {add, a}}}}}, Map0),
{ok, Map1a} = update(Add1, Map0),

% DC1 reset
{ok, Reset1} = downstream({remove, {a, antidote_crdt_map_rr}}, Map1a),
{ok, Map1b} = update(Reset1, Map1a),

io:format("Map0 = ~p~n", [Map0]),
io:format("Add1 = ~p~n", [Add1]),
io:format("Map1a = ~p~n", [Map1a]),
io:format("Reset1 = ~p~n", [Reset1]),
io:format("Map1b = ~p~n", [Map1b]),

?assertEqual([], value(Map0)),
?assertEqual([{{a, antidote_crdt_map_rr}, [{{a, antidote_crdt_set_rw}, [a]}]}], value(Map1a)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1b)).

prop2_test() ->
Map0 = new(),
% DC1: update remove
{ok, Add1} = downstream({update, [{{b, antidote_crdt_map_rr}, {remove, {a, antidote_crdt_set_rw}}}]}, Map0),
{ok, Map1a} = update(Add1, Map0),

% DC2 remove
{ok, Remove2} = downstream({remove, {b, antidote_crdt_map_rr}}, Map0),
{ok, Map2a} = update(Remove2, Map0),

% pull DC2 -> DC1
{ok, Map1b} = update(Remove2, Map1a),

io:format("Map0 = ~p~n", [Map0]),
io:format("Add1 = ~p~n", [Add1]),
io:format("Map1a = ~p~n", [Map1a]),
io:format("Remove2 = ~p~n", [Remove2]),
io:format("Map1b = ~p~n", [Map1b]),

?assertEqual([], value(Map0)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1a)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map2a)),
?assertEqual([], value(Map1b)).

upd(Update, State) ->
{ok, Downstream} = downstream(Update, State),
{ok, Res} = update(Downstream, State),

remove_test() ->
M1 = new(),
?assertEqual([], value(M1)),
?assertEqual(true, is_bottom(M1)),
M2 = upd({update, [
{{<<"a">>, antidote_crdt_orset}, {add, <<"1">>}},
{{<<"b">>, antidote_crdt_mvreg}, {assign, <<"2">>}},
{{<<"c">>, antidote_crdt_fat_counter}, {increment, 1}}
]}, M1),
{{<<"a">>, antidote_crdt_orset}, [<<"1">>]},
{{<<"b">>, antidote_crdt_mvreg}, [<<"2">>]},
{{<<"c">>, antidote_crdt_fat_counter}, 1}
], value(M2)),
?assertEqual(false, is_bottom(M2)),
M3 = upd({reset, {}}, M2),
io:format("M3 state = ~p~n", [dict:to_list(M3)]),
?assertEqual([], value(M3)),
?assertEqual(true, is_bottom(M3)),


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