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In app payments are performed asynchronously. You should initialize them with InitializeInAppPayments immediately when the app starts, so everything is ready when the user wants to make a payment (worst case scenario the initialization has taken more than a week, so start it as soon as the app opens)

There is a check in place to prevent payments in this library until things are "iapReady", otherwise the user gets charged, but we don't know about it.


git submodule add src/services/react-native-payments npm install --save react-native-iap npm install --save tipsi-stripe


yes | sudo ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses


You can't do in-app purchases in the Simulator. You must use a real device. You can set up sandbox users for doing in-app purchases on a physical device or in Testflight. Create sandbox users here Keep in mind, you will be typing the password in each time you make a test purchase. You can use any random email address (even if it doesn't exist), as no verification is required. Set your sandbox user on your phone in Settings -> your profile -> iTunes & App Store -> Sandbox Account. If you don't call iapEndPurchase after a test purchase (maybe because it failed), the flow will not work properly when you try it again unless you switch sandbox accounts.

Product ID is a unique alphanumeric ID that is used for reporting. After you use a Product ID for one product, it can’t be used again, even if the product is deleted. They can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and periods, but the Reference Name can contain more

Apple limits in-app purchases and subscriptions to no more than $999.99, and users can in-app purchase only up to 10 of a single product at a time


Product ID starts with number or lowercase letter and can contain only numbers (0-9), lowercase letters (a-z), underscores (_) & periods (.). You can’t modify a product ID after the item is created, and you can’t reuse a product ID within an app.

Google limits in-app purchases to no more than $400.


Handle Apple and Android in-app purchases and subscriptions






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