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Releases: Andres6936/Doryen

Updated the Submodules

26 Feb 04:37
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  • Avoid problem downloading the repository with CPM.

Avoid the “static initialization order ‘fiasco’ (problem)”

25 Feb 14:56
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  • Fixed problem with the “static initialization order ‘fiasco’ (problem)”.

Avoid inclusion of platform-specific code

31 Jan 23:44
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Updated version

Fixed memory leak

31 Jan 05:01
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Updated version

Using Mipmaps on images to improve performance

24 Jan 23:40
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  • Refactor the code for mipmaps (Based in Libtcod 1.5.1)
  • Fixed problem with upscaling and downscaling

API Break - Rename of method in Console class

01 Sep 15:17
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API Break - renamed method write to writeString and writeText to writeWrapText

API Break - Rename of method in Console class

24 Aug 14:41
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  • The methods g/s DefaultForeground and DefaultBackground now are g/s ForegroundColor and BackgroundColor
  • The methods g/s CellBackground and CellForeground now are g/s CellBackgroundColor and CellBackgroundColor

Separated the Library for generate Noise

20 Aug 23:12
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  • New Library: Doryen::Algorithms::Noise

First Release in GitHub

19 Aug 03:35
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Doryen Based in Libtcod 1.5.1


Keyboard Input and Mouse Input

The keyboard module supports both turn-by-turn and real time games.

True color console

Don’t limit yourself to monochrome or 16 color roguelikes.
True colors create a whole world of new visual possibilities.

Antialiased bitmap font support

Antialiasing makes it possible to have better looking fonts,
even when you’re using characters as small as 8×8.

Sub-cell resolution & SDL callback

Use a few special characters within a font to simulate pixels half
the size of a console cell or directly apply SDL post-processing on
the image.

High quality pseudo-random number generation

Using Mersenne twister algorithm.

BMP and PNG image support

You can blit images onto your console background.

Perlin noise toolkit

Support for Perlin, simplex and wavelet noises.

Heightmap toolkit

Tools to generate heightmaps.

A field of view toolkit

Supported algorithms:

  • Basic raycasting.
  • Recursive shadowcasting.
  • Diamond raycasting.
  • Precise permissive fov.
  • Restrictive shadowcasting a.k.a. MRPAS.
Path finding toolkit

Using A* or Dijkstra algorithms, with either a builtin map data structure
or your own internal data structure through function callbacks.

BSP toolkit

For regions, cities, dungeons building.