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Airflow, Dataproc, and DataStax Astra

In this demo, we will show you how to do the following all orchestrated by Airflow

  1. Create a Dataproc cluster
  2. Submit a Scala Spark Job that runs a select * from database.keyspace.table against Astra
  3. Destroy Dataproc cluster upon job completion

If you want to modify the Scala Spark Jar, you can reference spark-cassandra.scala and the comments within the file.

Click below to get started!

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1. Google Cloud Storage Bucket Setup

1.1 Create a Google Cloud Storage Bucket: (

1.2 Download and upload the spark-cassandra-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to your bucket

1.3 Download and upload the your database's secure-connect-<db_name>.zip to your bucket

1.4 Copy and paste down the gsutil URI's for both of the files

2. Create and upload service account keyfile json to working directory

Documentation on how to do so

3. Update Google Connection in Airflow

3.1 When prompted in the lower right-hand corner for port 8080, click open browser

Airflow credentials are admin admin

3.2 Go to Admin -> Connections -> google_cloud_default

3.3 Copy the full path of the keyfile.json and paste into the Keyfile Path section of the Google connection setup and save.

4. Update Variables

4.1 Go to Admin -> Variables

4.2 Update the values of all of the variables that we imported ahead of time.

Reference comments in if unsure

5. Turn on example_airflow_google_dataproc_astra DAG and run

6. Confirm cluster is being created in Google Dataproc (

7. Once spark_submit task begins in Airflow, click on the job that is in the starting/running state (

8. Confirm a dataframe containing data from database.keyspace.table is shown in the job's log

9. After spark_submit task completion, confirm the cluster is being destroyed / is destroyed in Google Dataproc

10. Delete Google Cloud Storage bucket as needed