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This repository contains a MapProxy application for the Datapunt Map project. See here for a schematic overview of the current architecture. Within this project it serves multiple purposes:

* provide configuration and shell-scripts to pre-generate tiles using the [Amsterdam mapserver]( WMS as input
* provide a UWSGI-based WMTS server to serve these pre-generated tile-images from a storage backend (typically an objectstore)
    * The WMTS server automatically uses all configured layers with a name and a single cached source

mapproxy.yaml - Mapproxy generic config, this defines the services, sources, caches, layers and globals seed.yaml - Mapproxy cache configuration, this defines which sources should be used to pre-generate tiles and to what destinations these should be written.

Running this for local development

    docker-compose up database mapproxy mapserver

This will spawn a mapproxy that consumes WMS from the mapserver container and serves WMTS from the acceptance objectstore.

Tile pre-generation jobs

Project location:

Do not change the following value 1, otherwise the mapserver will crash. ( apache2 - mapserver ) The mapserver is tuned (project mapserver - branch basis)

mapproxy-seed -c 1 -s /app/seed.yaml -f /app/mapproxy.yaml --seed=topo_rd_kbk,topo_rd_bgt

You can start the following job

This job is starting a internal webserver( apache2 > mapserver > and is generating on de build slaves the new images. The script is copying the tiles to /mnt/tiles. after the build process is done. The tiles will be uploaded to the objectstore in the next job.

Global settings

meta_size: If you set this to a higher value for example 8 x 8 the internal mapserver is crashing. mea_buffer: do not change this.

    base_dir: '/app'
    lock_dir: '/app'
    tile_lock_dir: '/app'
    meta_size: [4, 4]
    meta_buffer: 254
    ssl_no_cert_checks: True
    client_timeout: 10

Luchtfoto tegels

Creating a new Lufo year of tiles and service follow these steps:

  • Copy the aerial pictures (tif) to localhost
  • Run mapserver/ (see comments in file)
  • Start mapserver docker
  • Run mapproxy docker:
docker-compose run topo-lufo
  • Move generated tiles from /mnt/tiles/lufo_rd_cache_EPSG28992/ to: /mnt/tiles/lufo<YEAR>_rd_cache_EPSG28992/

  • Upload the tiles to the objectstore using rclone

rclone sync lufo2018_rd_cache_EPSG28992 tilesacc:/ -vvv --transfers=20 --checkers=20
rclone sync lufo2018_rd_cache_EPSG28992 tiles:/ -vvv --transfers=20 --checkers=20
  • Upload pyramid directory to objectstore


If we need help with the mapserver or mapproxy. We can contact the following person:

Edward Mac Gillavry