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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 29, 2023. It is now read-only.


Adreszoeker afval ophaaldagen


Garbage collection days of the city of Amsterdam. Best used together with our typeahead bag/brk api for addresses and postal code search:

Is important to complete the search api with a house number to get a "label":"Adres" result list to obtain a proper x,y coordinate. Then you can get the coordinates from the chosen address URI:

You can use these coordinates in two GET parameters: x and y to get the garbage collection days:


  • Docker-Compose (required)


Use docker-compose up -d database to start a local postgres database on localhost:5405

Start the services using:

docker-compose up afvalophaalgebieden

The API should now be available on http://localhost:8095/

It accepts two GET parameters: x and y or lat and lon. When given, a search will be executed for these RD or WGS84 coordinates and all features that match those coordinates will be returned as GeoJSON.

Run import

Run sh to recreate tables and import shape files locally. The used python scripts with necessary arguments can also be found in this file.


Run python to run tests.