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An Open Source School Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), can be used to manage students records and other school resources. The system is built in modules which can be installed and removed to extend the functionality of the system

TURACO is a PHP codebase that runs on Laravel Framework

Installation & Configuration


This project require that you have

  • PHP >= 7.1.3
  • Composer
  • MySql / MariaDB
  • See other requirements from Laravel Site!

To install this project in your local environment

cd your/directory

run git clone

This command will download the TURACO project and store it inside your/directory

Setting up

Once the cloning/downloading is completed and the files are on your local machine. Confirm that you have the directory named turaco inside your/directory and on your terminal/dos on PC's execute the following commands

cd turaco to get inside the project directory

composer install to install all the dependencies for this project.

Wait for composer to finish the installation before running the next commands

copy .env.example to a new file and name it .env We need the .env file because that is the configuration file for Laravel

run php artisan key:generate This command will generate a random 32 bits security string that Laravel requires. The key is added to .env file and assigned to APP_KEY key

Running the app

In production

Laravel serves a page via the public directory, so configure your Webserve to point that directory as your document root.


On your local environment you can use php artisan serve to run the app and the command will show you the address and port on which the app is served. The default address is


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