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Releases: Alexia/php7mar


26 Apr 16:16
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  • #14 - Fixed: Missing '/' in manually set report path
  • #16 - E_NOTICE emitted when a path contained a space under Windows.


  • #17 - Detect instantiating new objects by reference.
  • #18 - Detect PHP4 constructors


27 Oct 10:52
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  • Fixed report file names for Windows users.


22 Jul 23:13
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  • Fixed the regular expression that handles finding variable interpolation. It should now catch more specific cases that will produce less clutter in the report. Thanks to @peterbowey for reporting the issue and suggesting the fix.
  • Added a PHP binary version check. The report will now include an error message if the binary specified for syntax checks is lower than version 7.0.0-dev.


03 Jun 21:46
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v0.0.3-alpha Pre-release
  • Moving towards PSR-4 autoloader compliance.
    • Autoloader no longer throws an exception.
    • Namespaces are now prefixed with the vendor name.
  • Not specifying file extensions would cause a fatal error.
  • Markdown formatting tweaks for increase compatibility with various editors.
  • The scanNextFile() function was returning false for a blank file instead of an empty array. This was interrupting execution due to the scanner believing it reached the last file.


28 May 18:16
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v0.0.2-alpha Pre-release
  • Added -x option to specify which file extensions to use. - Thanks, @willbonde
  • Fixed a few calls that broke on PHP 5.4.
  • The reserved names check would catch examples in comments instead of checking only near the beginning of the line.
  • Composer file
  • Autoloader was using self instead of $this. Note: Autoloader is not currently PSR-4 complient due to namespaces not including a vendor name.

Initial Alpha Package

22 May 15:19
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Initial Alpha Package Pre-release

This is the initial alpha package for release. It will contain bugs, missing features, and potentially other issues.