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Releases: AlexanderEggers/hitogo


14 Aug 13:55
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  • Fixed potential IndexOutOfBoundsException when using dialogs. (#9)
  • Updated gradle and bintray related tools.
  • Updated JUnit dependency to 4.13.


02 Dec 06:44
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  • FIX: Fixed a bug that prevents one from adding a third button to a DialogAlert (#8)
  • MISC: Updated android support library to version 28.0.0.


11 May 03:23
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  • Fixed NoClassDefFoundError exeception when using PopupAlerts with devices lower than 19 (KitKat) (7b656ce)


27 Mar 04:47
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First stable release. This release is the same as 1.0.0-rc1 - no changes have been made since then.


27 Feb 21:34
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1.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

First release candidate. Currently there are no known issues and the project has a full documentation (source code only).



  • All force related methods and implementation have been removed to prevent breaking certain features. The ability to force the animation might be re-added in the future if there is a proper implementation.
  • Added javadoc to all classes


  • Removed isClosingAfterClick for the system dialog buttons (default button provided by the Android dialog system)



  • Added javadoc to all classes


  • Fixed several mock creation classes that were using final mocks instead of local mocks (final stubbing is not allowed in junit)


26 Feb 21:26
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1.0.0-beta19.2 Pre-release

This is a minor release to focus on stability and documentation.

Behavior changes

  • If there is alert A and B, with A having the priority of 2 and B having the priority of 1, B won't close A anymore but makes this alert invisible. This is helpful if the alert A should be displayed again after closing alert B. The time difference between A and B (in this example) is 1-2s which makes it impossible for the user to identify the alert A. But due to the implementation of priorities, the alert B will overrule the current active alert A.
  • Suggestion: Create a service class which handles all alert sources (for example during the activity creation). This service should act if all sources have been finished and tried to show their alerts (via showLater). The service will then tell the related controller to show the next alert (via showNext). Sources are server requests, certain app conditions etc.



  • More javadoc has been added
  • DialogAlertImpl is checking the button object if it should close the alert after being clicked
  • Removed addCallback (SnackbarBuilder)
  • Added additional showNext method (HitogoController) which is accepting a AlertType.


  • Button will only try to close their alerts if it is still attached.



  • Added mock object to simplify mock creation (HitogoServiceMock and HitogoMock).


22 Feb 21:19
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1.0.0-beta19.1 Pre-release

This release marks another major release include breaking changes and several optimizations. This is probably the last major release before reaching the stable level. The releases within 19.x will only focus on minor code optimizations and completing the javadoc. The next major release beta20 will probably be the RC1 version (therefore the release will be called RC1 of course).

Library changes

  • The library has been split into two artifacts with different purposes:
  1. org.hitogo:hitogo-core:{VERSION} This artifact is responsible for the library implementation. It includes all relevant builder and objects.
  2. org.hitogo:hitogo-testing:{VERSION} This artifact is responsible for the testing of this library. It will include mocks for unit tests and certain testing tools.
  • Both artifacts can be reached using the jCenter() reference.
  • The version of both artifacts should always be the same to avoid conflicts.
  • The minimum Android SDK level has been increased to 16 (previously 14).



  • The button API has been revamped. The ActionButton has been seperated into three different button classes:
  1. TextButton: This button can only have a listener and one text element.
  2. ViewButton: This button can have a listener, a reference to a view (and it's relevant click view) and multiple text elements.
  3. CloseButton: This button type is extending the ViewButton. The only difference is the internal usage of certain values.
  • The method setText (Button API) has been changed into addText to allow more than one text element for the button. This implementation is similar to the method addText used inside the AlertBuilder.
  • The ViewButton has the method setView to reference the button to a certain view.
  • The alert and button builders got the method addDrawable(...) which can be used to attach drawables to a certain alert/button.
  • Some methods of the HitogoHelper class has been moved to the new class HitogoAccessor. This class should be used to access resource data from the app. That can be useful to create unit tests.
  • Added asFullscreen(boolean) to the PopupBuilder implementation to specify whether the popup should be displayed in full screen.
  • The HitogoController has been added to the HitogoParams to provide default values. HitogoParams is the parent class for all Params objects (like ViewAlertParams).
  • Several method inside HitogoController has been renamed to improve readability.
  • The class HitogoService has been added to provide a basic interface that can be used to create a MVVM based alert implementation for the own project. If the project is using MVVM, it is highly recommended to use this new class.


  • Fixed a bug in HitogoController which was missing a function to differ between the priority of different alert types (the controller only has one priority member, but four were actually needed).



  • Initial release of the artifact which includes mocks for all builder, the Hitogo object and the HitogoService object.


16 Feb 16:25
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1.0.0-beta18.4 Pre-release

This release includes some minor api changes.


  • Added dismissByLayoutClick to PopupAlert.
  • Changed visiblity of several methods to ensure system stability.


16 Feb 11:53
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1.0.0-beta18.2 Pre-release

This release includes several minor api changes.


  • Removed asSimple(Dialog/Popup/View) from the builder API.
  • Renamed initialiseHitogo to initialiseController inside HitogoFragment/HitogoActivity.
  • Added more javadoc.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed wrongly used AlertParams key for the DialogAlert dismissible value.
  • Fixed implementation for the alert prority.


07 Feb 23:30
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1.0.0-beta18 Pre-release

This release includes several major internal changes and new features.


  • Snackbar and Toast has been introduced to the library! You can access those new alerts via asToastAlert and asSnackbarAlert.
  • SimpleButton has been added to the possible button implementations. This button has not as many features as the ActionButton and is focused on alerts that does not need all parameters. You can access this new button via asSimpleButton.
  • All custom params holder have been removed internally to create a cleaner, generic holder class. The params holder class is responsible for the communication between the builder and the alert params object.
  • Tweaking library annotations.
  • Visibility of several methods have been changed to allow custom implementations.
  • Tweaking performance inside HitogoController which should improve the default alert closing (closeByAlert) significantly.

Bug fixes

  • Popup was not correctly detached from the HitogoController.
  • getView (Activity only) and getActivityView have used the wrong rootview. This has been changed for the HitogoActivity and HitogoFragment.