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NCache 5.0.0 Service Pack 2

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@Sarah-Hameed Sarah-Hameed released this 15 Jan 07:04
· 2 commits to master since this release

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NCache 5.0 SP2 contains a few additional features and optimizations. There are also various bug fixes reported by customers. This is a recommended upgrade for all NCache Open source users.

Enhancements and New Additions
Following are some enhancements made in this release:

  • New API
    NCache API has been refactored to make it simpler and easy to use by reducing the number of overloads to various methods. The new API is also using the latest features of C# and .NET Framework (Task Parallel Library, async methods, and generics).

  • .Net Core Clients:
    NCache now provides a totally native .NET Core Client that can run on both Windows and Linux. On Windows, NCache .NET Core client is installed through a Windows Installer (.msi). However, on Linux a separate installation (.tar.gz) is provided.

  • PubSub
    Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub) messaging paradigm is provided where a publisher sends messages into channels, without knowing who (if any) are the subscribers. And, Subscribers only receive message of their interest without knowing who the publishers are.

  • Reliable Events
    All NCache events now internally use the more reliable NCache’s Pub/Sub framework.

List of Bugs Fixed

744170 FIX: Requests timeout to clients continue to run on servers, hence, causing high CPU and memory issues.
744174 FIX: API logging is missing for a few locking related methods.
744156 FIX: Specific cache id could not be started exception occurs on starting cache. Occurs rarely
744158 FIX: Memory leak during state transfer.
744160 FIX: An already locked object is being locked when item fetched using GetCacheItem.
744161 FIX: Item is locked exception occurs on removing an item with correct lock handle.
4162 FIX: A locked item could not be fetched when correct lockhandle is passed to Cache.Get() with acquireLock= false.