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feat(storage): support rclone
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HappyUncle committed Aug 27, 2021
1 parent 1fc8cc7 commit 33df52f
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Showing 2 changed files with 351 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions pghoard/rohmu/
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ def get_class_for_transfer(obj_store):
elif storage_type == "s3":
from .object_storage.s3 import S3Transfer
return S3Transfer
elif storage_type == "rclone":
from .object_storage.rclone import RCloneTransfer
return RCloneTransfer
elif storage_type == "swift":
from .object_storage.swift import SwiftTransfer
return SwiftTransfer
Expand Down
348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions pghoard/rohmu/object_storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
rohmu - rclone
Copyright (c) 2016 Ohmu Ltd
See LICENSE for details
from ..errors import FileNotFoundFromStorageError, InvalidConfigurationError, StorageError
from .base import BaseTransfer, get_total_memory, KEY_TYPE_PREFIX, KEY_TYPE_OBJECT, IterKeyItem
import json
import subprocess
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
import datetime # for general datetime object handling
# import rfc3339 # for date object -> date string
import iso8601 # for date string -> date object

def calculate_chunk_size():
total_mem_mib = get_total_memory() or 0
# At least 5 MiB, at most 524 MiB. Max block size used for hosts with ~300+ GB of memory
return max(min(int(total_mem_mib / 600), 524), 120) * 1024 * 1024

MULTIPART_CHUNK_SIZE = calculate_chunk_size()

def exec_cmd(cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("cmd [%s], stdout [%s], error [%s], code [%s]" % (cmd, stdout, stderr, proc.returncode))
return stdout, stderr

def exec_cmd_to_stdout(cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.stdout

def exec_cmd_from_stdout(cmd, src_fd, progress_fn=None):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
bytes_sent = 0
while True:
content =
if len(content) == 0:
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
bytes_sent += len(content)
if progress_fn:
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("cmd [%s], stdout [%s], error [%s], code [%s]" % (cmd, stdout, stderr, proc.returncode))
return stdout, stderr

def new_rclone_dest_key(dest, dest_path, key):
return "%s:%s/%s" % (dest, dest_path, key)

class RCloneClient:

def __init__(self, conf_path):
self.config_path = conf_path
self.base_cmd = ["rclone", "--config", self.config_path]

def new_cmd(self, keys):
cmd = self.base_cmd[:] + keys[:]
return cmd

# List directories and objects in the path in JSON format.
def head_object(self, key):
info = self.list_objects(key)
if len(info) == 0:
return None
return info[0]

def get_object_size(self, key):
info = self.list_objects(key)
if len(info) == 0:
return 0
return int(info[0]['Size'])

# Remove the contents of path.
def delete_object(self, key):
cmd = self.new_cmd(["deletefile", key])

# List directories and objects in the path in JSON format.
def list_objects(self, key, deep=False):
if deep:
cmd = self.new_cmd(["lsjson", key, "--recursive"])
cmd = self.new_cmd(["lsjson", key])
stdout, stderr = exec_cmd(cmd)
return json.loads(stdout)

# Copies standard input to file on remote.
def put_object(self, src_fd, dest, progress_fn=None):
cmd = self.new_cmd(["rcat", dest])
exec_cmd_from_stdout(cmd, src_fd, progress_fn)

# Copy files from source to dest, skipping already copied.
def copy_object(self, src, dest):
cmd = self.new_cmd(["copyto", src, dest])

# Concatenates any files and sends them to stdout.
def get_object_stream(self, key):
cmd = self.new_cmd(["cat", key])
fd = exec_cmd_to_stdout(cmd)

info = self.list_objects(key)
if len(info) == 0:
length = 0
length = int(info[0]['Size'])
return fd, length

def get_object_content(self, key):
info = self.head_object(key)
if info is None:
return None, 0
length = int(info['Size'])

cmd = self.new_cmd(["cat", key])
stdout, stderr = exec_cmd(cmd)
return stdout, length

class RCloneTransfer(BaseTransfer):

def __init__(self,
self.remote_clone_client = RCloneClient(remote_clone_config_path)
self.source = source
self.destination = destination
self.destination_path = destination_path
self.log.debug("RCloneTransfer initialized")

# data from file, and file is so big, need split file
def store_file_object(self, key, fd, *, cache_control=None, metadata=None, mimetype=None, upload_progress_fn=None):
target_path = self.format_key_for_backend(key.strip("/"))
metadata_path = target_path + ".metadata"
self.log.debug("Save file: %r, %r", target_path, metadata_path)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, target_path)
self.remote_clone_client.put_object(fd, k, upload_progress_fn)

bio = BytesIO(json.dumps(self.sanitize_metadata(metadata)).encode())
k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, metadata_path)
self.remote_clone_client.put_object(bio, k)

# no use
def store_file_from_disk(self, key, filepath, metadata=None, multipart=None, cache_control=None, mimetype=None):
target_path = self.format_key_for_backend(key.strip("/"))
self.log.debug("Save file from disk: %r", target_path)

with open(filepath, "rb") as fp:
self.store_file_object(key, fp, metadata=metadata, cache_control=cache_control, mimetype=mimetype)

# data from var string
def store_file_from_memory(self, key, memstring, metadata=None, cache_control=None, mimetype=None):
target_path = self.format_key_for_backend(key.strip("/"))
self.log.debug("Save file from memory: %r", target_path)

bio = BytesIO(memstring)
self.store_file_object(key, bio, metadata=metadata, cache_control=cache_control, mimetype=mimetype)

def _skip_file_name(file_name):
return file_name.startswith(".") or file_name.endswith(".metadata") or ".metadata_tmp" in file_name

def iter_key(self, key, *, with_metadata=True, deep=False, include_key=False):
# add prefix for key
target_path = self.format_key_for_backend(key.strip("/"))
# get all dir and obj
rclone_target_path = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, target_path)
response = self.remote_clone_client.list_objects(rclone_target_path, deep)

# check dir and obj
for item in response:
# skip file
if self._skip_file_name(item['Path']):

# full file key
# when object and bucket using same name, rclone select object first
file_key = (target_path + "/" if len(target_path) != 0 else "") + item["Path"]
objs = self.remote_clone_client.list_objects(
new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, file_key)
if len(objs) == 0:
if include_key is False:
file_key = target_path

# check dir
if item['IsDir'] is True:
yield IterKeyItem(

# check obj
if with_metadata:
metadata_path = (key.strip("/") + "/" if len(key.strip("/")) != 0 else "") + item["Path"]
metadata = self.get_metadata_for_key(metadata_path)
except FileNotFoundFromStorageError as ex:
self.log.debug("get metadata file error %s", ex)
metadata = None
metadata = None

yield IterKeyItem(
"last_modified": iso8601.parse_date(item["ModTime"]).astimezone(tz=datetime.timezone.utc),
"metadata": metadata,
"name": file_key,
"size": item["Size"],
except Exception as ex:
self.log.debug("itr_key error %s", ex)

def get_metadata_for_key(self, key, trailing_slash=False):
source_path = self.format_key_for_backend(key.strip("/"), trailing_slash=trailing_slash)
metadata_path = source_path + ".metadata"
self.log.debug("Get metadata: %r", metadata_path)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, metadata_path)
stdout, length = self.remote_clone_client.get_object_content(k)
if stdout is None:
raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key)
return json.loads(stdout)

# unit is Byte
def get_file_size(self, key):
key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
self.log.debug("Get file size: %r", key)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, key)
response = self.remote_clone_client.list_objects(k)
if len(response) == 0:
raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, key)
response = self.remote_clone_client.get_object_size(k)
return response

def get_contents_to_stream(self, key):
target_key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
self.log.debug("Get content to stream: %r", target_key)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, target_key)
response = self.remote_clone_client.list_objects(k)
if len(response) == 0:
raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, target_key)
response, _ = self.remote_clone_client.get_object_stream(k)
metadata = self.get_metadata_for_key(key)
return response, metadata

def get_contents_to_string(self, key):
response, metadata = self.get_contents_to_stream(key)
return, metadata

def get_contents_to_fileobj(self, key, fileobj_to_store_to, *, progress_callback=None):
stream, metadata = self.get_contents_to_stream(key)
length = self.get_file_size(key)
self._read_object_to_fileobj(fileobj_to_store_to, stream, length, cb=progress_callback)
return metadata

# no use
def get_contents_to_file(self, key, filepath_to_store_to, *, progress_callback=None):
with open(filepath_to_store_to, "wb") as fh:
return self.get_contents_to_fileobj(key, fh)

def delete_key(self, key):
target_path = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
metadata_path = target_path + ".metadata"
self.log.debug("Deleting key: %r, %r", target_path, metadata_path)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, target_path)
infos = self.remote_clone_client.list_objects(k)
if len(infos) == 0:
raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key)

new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, target_path)
new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, metadata_path)

# for small file, just copy
def copy_file(self, *, source_key, destination_key, metadata=None, **_kwargs):
source_path = self.format_key_for_backend(source_key.strip("/"))
destination_path = self.format_key_for_backend(destination_key.strip("/"))
self.log.debug("Copy file from %r -> %r", source_path, destination_path)

k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, source_path)
infos = self.remote_clone_client.list_objects(k)
if len(infos) == 0:
raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(source_key)

new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, source_path),
new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, destination_path)

if metadata is None:
metadata = self.get_metadata_for_key(source_key)

metadata_path = destination_path + ".metadata"
self.log.debug("Save metadata: %r", metadata_path)

bio = BytesIO(json.dumps(self.sanitize_metadata(metadata)).encode())
k = new_rclone_dest_key(self.destination, self.destination_path, metadata_path)
self.remote_clone_client.put_object(bio, k)

def _read_object_to_fileobj(self, fileobj, streaming_body, body_length, cb=None):
data_read = 0
while data_read < body_length:
read_amount = body_length - data_read
if read_amount > MULTIPART_CHUNK_SIZE:
data =
if len(data) != read_amount:
raise StorageError("Rclone read data error, need %d but %d" % (read_amount, len(data)))
data_read += len(data)
if cb:
cb(data_read, body_length)
if cb:
cb(data_read, body_length)

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