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Environmental Analysis :

MQ-135 and other gas sensors :

MQ-135 Cracking Datasheet :

  1. Basic Functionality : ---> Potentiometer (SnO2 -- Semiconductor). ---> Gases ---> Voltage increases/Resistivity decreases.

  2. What we want to find ?

  • We want to find the Rs (Sensitivity resistance) in the fresh clean air (calibration) in 24 hrs, then save the average value.
  • Measure Rs in various gaseous states.
  • Ro is the R-original which represents the calibrated sensor value when connected in parallel with RL = 20 kOhms and T = 20 deg C.
  • Then, we want to find the ratio Rs/Ro; where Rs : Sensitivity Resistance in various gaseous statuses, Ro = Original Resistance in fresh air.
  • Then, we want to plug the ratio into the graph from the datasheet to find the possible corresponding gas :


Notice : All gases can be detected when Rs/Ro > 1, but at very low concentrations which states that the device may misbehave at this point.???

  • Example :

Recall; Rs/Ro = 0.9;

then :

The Air Quality state is moderate and most probable harmful gases that may lead to this resistivity are :
1) Acetona @ 50 ppm.
2) Toleuon @ 70 ppm.
3) Alcohol @ 100 ppm.
4) Ammonia @ 100-150 ppm.
5) Co2 @ 150-180 ppm.

  1. Circuit :


Connecting RL (load resistance) in parallel with the Rs to load the current onto the sensor part (increasing the senstivity of the sensor).

then, I(s) = I(total) - I(load) = I(cc) - V(s)/R(L).

then, R(s) = V(s) / I(s).

Suggested Code :

struct GasLevelRange {
      float startValue = 0.0f;
      float endValue = 0.0f;

struct GasLevels {
      GasLevelRange co2Levels;
      GasLevelRange coLevels;
      GasLevelRange alcoholLevels;
      GasLevelRange ammoniaLevels;
      GasLevelRange tolueneLevels;
      GasLevelRange acetoneLevels;

bool isCalibrating = true;
const Memory* memory = new Memory();
// max voltage 
static const float MAX_VOLTAGE = 5.0f;
static const float SOURCE_CURRENT = 0.3f; 
// 20 kOhm load resistance
static const float LOAD_RESISTANCE = 20000;

float& getResistivity(float&, volatile uint10_t&);
float& getSensorCurrent(volatile uint10_t&);
void plugIntoGraph(float&);

float& getResistivity(float& current, volatile uint10_t& potentiometerValue) {
      // Value         : Max
      // potentioValue : 1023 Dec
      // voltage       : 5V
      // then, voltage = (potentioValue / 1023f) * 5.0V.
      // convert to percentage 
      const float rationalValue = potentiometerValue / 1023f; 

      // convert to voltage 
      const float conductivity = rationalValue * MAX_VOLTAGE;  

      // get resistivity
      float resistivity = conductivity / current;   
      return resistivity;

float& getSensorCurrent(volatile uint10_t& potentiometerValue) {
    // calculate I(s)
    float loadCurrent = potentiometerValue / LOAD_RESISTANCE;
    float sensorCurrent = SOURCE_CURRENT - loadCurrent;
    return sensorCurrent;

void plugIntoGraph(float& graphRatio) {
     const GasLevels* gasLevels = new GasLevels();
     if (graphRatio < 1) {
           // lies between 0.9 and 1
           if (graphRatio >= 0.9) {
                  // possible different gases concentrations (ppm) 
                  // at current resistivity

                  // possible co2 levels at this resistivity
                  gasLevels->co2Levels.startValue = 110f;
                  gasLevels->co2Levels.endValue = 175f;

                  // possible NH4 levels
                  gasLevels->ammoniaLevels.startValue = 100f; 
                  gasLevels->ammoniaLevels.endValue = 140;

                  // possible alcohol levels
                  gasLevels->alcoholLevels.startValue = 80f; 
                  gasLevels->alcoholLevels.endValue = 110f;

            // lies between 0.9 and 1
           } else if (graphRatio >= 0.8) {
                  // possible co2 levels at this resistivity
                  gasLevels->co2Levels.startValue = 160f;
                  gasLevels->co2Levels.endValue = 200f;

                  // possible NH4 levels
                  gasLevels->ammoniaLevels.startValue = 140f; 
                  gasLevels->ammoniaLevels.endValue = 180;

                  // possible alcohol levels
                  gasLevels->alcoholLevels.startValue = 110f; 
                  gasLevels->alcoholLevels.endValue = 160f;
     gasLevels = NULL;
     delete gasLevels;

int main() {
    // analogValue = [0, 1023] (Decimal Encoded value) 
    // = [0V, 5.0V] (Real Voltage) 
    // = [0000000000, 1111111111] (in 10-bit binary expression).
    volatile uint10_t potentiometerValue = analogRead(A0);
    // sensor current
    float sensorCurrent = getSensorCurrent(potentiometerValue);
    // get the resistivity
    float resistivity = getResistivity(potentiometerValue, sensorCurrent);
    // save the calibration value)
    if (isCalibrating && !(memory->hasData())) {
      isCalibrating = false;
    // calculate the Rs/Ro
    float graphRatio = resistivity / memory->getValue();
    // plug into the graph -- mapping the values
  return 0;