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How Computer Programmers Think

by Adrian Jewell (

(Thank you for reading! Feedback greatly appreciated.)

VIDEO PRESENTATION: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

Introduction (Know)

This treatise contains everything the lay person needs to understand software engineering. In fact, it might be good idea for more people to go into the field because software engineers are in high demand. This is known because the website, recently posted 335,000 software engineer jobs in the United States. Now, it is the author's position that while there are there are 10000 coding courses on Udemy, and 7,020,000,000 results on Google, the opinions contained herein are the gems of knowledge one needs to develop professional-grade skills in computer programming.

Trust in the author's opinion. He is a software engineer with several years of experience. He taught himself how to code as a teenager, and later on, did a coding bootcamp to help himself break into the field. He worked in the industry, and also worked full-time as a coding instructor. During this time, he learned a valuable lesson:

Thinking correctly will allow the problem solver to easily teach him/herself anything programming-related.

Study this document, and you will be able to master any skill in coding, and more, in a very short time, without any hand-holding that usually happens in online courses, and that will make you very powerful. 

The Process:

The fundamental skill is software engineering is reasoning about problems in terms of inputs and outputs:


This may sound simplistic or contrived, but actually it is not. To understand how an engineer accomplishes this, we start with a real world problem. Let’s say that you want to build an app for your phone that lets you read emails. If you want to build this application, you will probably be envisioning yourself using the app, in a scenario such as this:

As a user, I want to go on the app and view my emails. 

The above expresses how the software engineer thinks about the particular idea in his or her mind. In actuality, this particular sentence isn’t actually saying anything different that what we originally said in the previous paragraph, but it additionally implies a greater degree of specificity. Let’s think for a minute about why that is the case:

To start, there are probably some other requirements for this phone app, such as:

As a user, I want to go on the app and see my emails, and NOT OTHER PEOPLE’S. 

The addendum may have suprised a few people, causing them to respond like this: "Duh!"...Do not be so quick to react in that way. If somebody asked me to build that app for them, and he/she told me the first requirement,

As a user, I want to go on the app and view my emails.

I’d certainly ask him/her if the users wants to only see their own emails, or whether user want to see their emails along with other peoples emails. In reality, this is a valid question because the original requirement doesn’t specify, and there are certainly scenarios where seeing others' emails is preferrable (such as parents monitoring children's internet activity). This may be a contrived example, but the only reason it is contrived is because when people talk about viewing email, they automatically assume the idea is to only see their own personal emails. This kind of thinking, however, is what engineers call jumping to conclusions, and that’s something to avoid when building software. 

Now, another thing that is probably true about the email app is:

As a user, I DO NOT want other people to be able to view my emails. 

This requirement might also be implied by the original statement, but it is actually not implied at all. Once again, in today’s world, people generally assume that emails are private and confidential, but it is very possible that this particular app does not treat emails as confidential information.

Now at this point, it is possible to see that clarification of requirements could go on for much longer, perhaps like this:

As a user, I want to view my emails…

Most people would expect an email app to meet these requirements. In fact, all of these mentioned requirements are very interesting and challenging software problems that engineers have tackled for many years, but that is besides the point. For now, simply understand that clarifying requirements is a major part of a software engineer's initial reasoning about a problem.

Remember, however, that this process of clarification is not the key skill in software engineering, but rather a tool to help the engineer succeed at the original task: viewing a problem in terms of its inputs and outputs. In the case of our example, the answer is as follows:

(Username and Password) -> (Emails associated with the Username)

The reader should see how the original line of inquiry led the software engineer to decide on these inputs and outputs. In case is it not clear, a brief explanation follows:

The engineer chose the username as an input because it is a "unique identifier" for the user. That is, the username can identify the user in such a way that every user is distinguishable from every other user. Armed with a username, the email app can filter for the emails associated with the user while excluding others. The password, similarly, is the way that the application verifies that users are in fact who they say they are (this is called authentication). In this way, only the user itself can view the emails associated therewith. Perhaps the decision to use username and password may be obvious, but the point of the exercise is not to solve a difficult problem but rather to highlight, in as detailed a way as possible, the thought process of software engineering.

To recap, the requirements are now solved as follows:

- As a user, I want to go on the app and see my emails, and NOT OTHER PEOPLE’S. [solved with a username]
- As a user, I DO NOT want other people to be able to view my emails. 
 [solved with a password]

The example ultimately highlights several things. Firstly, the reader can see how even something as commonplace and deceptively simple as an email application can require planning. Login screens are not that interesting, but they are pieces of software about which engineers seriously thought over, and the above discussion is just the beginning.

Now, the name for everything that just happened is called:


This is the first of six steps in a problem solving process that any programmer will execute when he/she writes a computer program. The remaining steps are as follows:

1. WRITE TEST CASES (examples)

It will take some time to explain this process, but rest assured that mastering it will enable the reader to do software engineering.

Also notice that both “WRITE TEST CASES” and “CLARIFY THE PROBLEM” claim to be the first step. That is intentional because these steps are one and same, but with slightly different names and looks.

Continuing with the example of the email application will illustrate this point. Recall the decision for inputs and outputs:

(Username and Password) -> (The Emails associated with the Username)

Does the programmer have enough information to begin building the app? The answer is no, because more questions must be answered before any programmer get started. Some of these are:

What is a valid username?
What is a valid password?

What happens when invalid credentials are entered?
What happens when empty credentials are entered?

How many of the users emails do we want to return? 

The software engineer must first answer these questions because these questions have more than one answer. Thus, the engineer must answer them, and once answered there may be even more questions worth asking and answering. Given the matter, one might notice that these questions are slightly more specific than the first questions that were asked earlier. Therefore, they fall under the category of “TEST CASES” rather than “CLARIFYING THE QUESTION.” Let me reiterate: both categories are very closely related to each other, and writing these tests cases is extremely important, perhaps the most important part of computer programming.

At this point, it is the author's hope that reader is becomming interested in the process of software engineering. The reader also may also notice that the coding has yet to be done. Isn't programming about writing code? Yes, but remember, the article's goal is to explain the process of computer programming, and computer programming actually starts with the process of trying to understand the problem as clearly as possible. Once the programmer understands the problem, then he/she can easily move onto the coding-related steps. The remaining portion of this introduction with walk through those remaining steps, but in order to do so, we still use a new example.


For sake of clarity, a different example will illustrate the remaining five steps in the problem solving process. While it is possible to continue explaining the steps using the example of the email application, the truth is that building an email application requires specific technical knowledge that will hinder, more than help, in the explanation of the problem solving process. Believe it or not, the problem of an email application can actually be a very difficult one. So, for the purposes of this article, a simple mathematical problem will suffice.

That task is to decide whether two numbers add up to a third number. This may sound too simple, but that is a good thing because it will allow the reader to concentrate solely on the thought process, and it will be become clear how in-depth one is able to go into one's way of thinking. Now, recall once again that the goal of the engineer is to transform the problem into a series of inputs and outputs:


The first step is to ask clarifying questions, and thankfully, there are only a few necessary clarifications to be made in this problem. Firstly, can assume that numbers are real numbers. They can be positive or negative, or zero. We can also assume the addition operator works as is normally expected. In short, these are reasonable assumptions to be made, but the engineer must clarify them because it is certainly feasible that the problem's writer had other mathematical definitions in mind, however unlikely that may be. Once again, see how jumping to conclusions can possible hurt the engineer, but enough of this. Now, it is time to accomplish the task, and doing so would probably result in writing the inputs and outputs in a way such as this:

Three numbers (a, b, c) -> True or False

In other words: given the three numbers (expressed symbolically here), output whether or not they add up to the third number; the output is either a “Yes” (True) or “No” (False). To prove one's understanding, write some test cases that give correct sets inputs and outputs, for example:

1,2 , 3 => True 

This is clearly true because one plus two equals three. Here is another one:

3,4 , 10 => False 

And a few more:

-3,0 , 3 => False 
-4,-4 , -8 => True

On the topic of converting problems into inputs and outputs, remember to approach this step very carefully and always seek confirmation from whoever wrote the problem. This step is first and foremost an exercise in reading, and feedback will ne very helpful. Additionally, alwasy remember that generating a good list of test cases is necessary, but can be very challenging. Notice that the test cases take 0 and negative numbers into account. These are what engineers call "edge cases", because they are often unlike the usual test cases. As a rule of thumb, always be on the lookout for edge cases. The tricky thing is that edge cases are often the hardest to think of, they can be the most informative examples.

Another reason that generating tests cases is important is because it will often be the case that the engineer doesn't know how to transform the inputs into the outputs. With this particularly problem being simple, the reader can easily see the answer, but that won't always be the case. When the engineer gets stuck, he/she needs to come up with more test cases, and often simpler ones.

After coming up with test cases, the next step is to brainstorm strategies. Maybe in your mind, there is only one approach to this problem, but to an engineer, there is always more than one way to accomplish something (maybe even software engineering itself!), so here are a few of them:

1. Add the two numbers together, and compare the sum with the third number.

Here is another way:

2. Subtract the second number from the third number, and compare it with the first number.

The second solution is also valid. Perhaps, it is difficult to see how the two solutions differ at all. Although it is true that they fundamentally accomplish the same thing, they are not the same solution. This is because they perform different mathematical operations, and this might be an important detail for an engineer. It is important to appreciate the creativity that goes into finding multiple solutions, even for something as trivial as this problem.

It is also important to note that while this problem had two very clear solutions, there may certainly be more solutions, and conversely, it is often the case that no solutions come to mind during a problem. How to come up with solutions will also be a topic of in-depth discussion later on in the paper. The technique for doing this is perhaps the least understood of the engineer's skills, and it is still a field that the author personally feels is an area worth of academic research.

It is process requiring both creativity and discipline. In practice, coming up with solutions can be challenging because it requires the engineer to be aware of his/her own thoughts, and then be able to express, in words, a series of steps that describe the inputs being transformed into the outputs. Pattern recognition requires insight, and to describe that insight requires clarity of thought, and attention to detail, and simply skill in communication. There are strategies to help with this process, and they are outlined later on the discussion.

Having arrived at two solutions, the next step in the process is to pick one of them. This means to weigh the trade offs of one solution over another. That is, when evaluating solutions, there will usually be pros and cons for each, so the engineer must do the work evaluating those pros and cons.

Typically, there will be a trade off in terms of the time efficiency of one solution runs over another, and this is a useful metric because users care about the speed of their computer programs. Connecting this back to the two available solutions currently at the engineer's disposal, it is possible that one of these solutions will run faster than the other because of the computer's particular way of doing mathematical operations. That is, sometimes an addition operation will happen faster than a subtraction operation on a computer, or vice versa. This may be a trivial performance increase on a modern machine, but imagine a hypothetical scenario from a time in the past, when machines were rudimentary. In that era, solutions such as these could present very significant trade offs. In short, deciding on a strategy must take place in the problem solving process, and it is important to know that will involve trade offs, like all big life decisions.

For our example, the engineer will choose the first solution, bringing him or her to the fourth step:


Finally, a step involving coding...sort of. That is, code that is not really code, but more of an in-between of English and code which engineers call pseudo-code. In pseudo code, a description of the chosen solution might look like this:

1. numbers a, b, c
2. d = a + b 
4. return d == c

Try to understand this, line by line. In line one, the engineer recognizes the three numbers as existing (yes, that is a step). In line two, calculate the sum of the first two numbers and assign it a symbol. In line three, evalulate whether the sum equals the third's pseudo code because it looks like code, but is not formal syntax of any particular programming language. For those not verse in conding, the word "return" is jargon for "provide as output: ".

There was not much pseudo-code in this example, but in practice, writing peusdo can actually be one of the hardest steps. If it is hard to come up with pseudo-code, the engineer probably didn't think clearly enough about the strategy, and may need to subdivide the problem. When this occurs, doing more test cases until the process becomes so engrained in the mind that it flows out easily and quickly in words is a helpful technique.

There is also the problem of how exactly to write pseudo-code. A rule of thumb is to put every sentence into a line of code and subdivide the problem.

After having written pseudocode, implement (write out) the solution in real code using the pseudo code as a guide. In order to do this, one needs to know how to write computer programs and run those programs on a computer. Because this guide is meant for an audience that may not know how to code, the author has taken every effort to make the following code intuitive to understand, but it will invariable happen that there may be confusions about why something was written in a particular way. Additionaly, because this article is not an introduction to computer programming languages nor an introduction to the inner workings of computing systems, the discussion of how this code exactly works will be left to other resources. With that said, please enjoy the final product of the problem solving process followed thus far:

function TwoNumbersAddToThird(a, b, c) {
    return (a + b) === c;

This is an implementation in a programming language called javascript. Even without any formal study in programming languages, the average reader can probably grasp how this function works, and how it relates to the peusdo-code, also written above. If the reader saw how the pseudo code translated into code, then he/she should be encouraged by his or her newly discovered sense. However, if the connection was not apparent, then it would be helpful for the reader to take a introductory course on Python or Javascript and then revisit this example. That being said, it is not necessary for the student to be skilled at programming to appreciate this knowledge, but know that in harder problems, the process of translating pseudo code into real code is where software engineer becomes the computer programmer, and the engineer's skill and knowledge in working with computers, and perhaps a specific type of computer, bears ripe fruit.

Despite any challenges when going from pseudo-code to code, it is still the most colorful process of all the six, and this is because coding, like many wonderful things, is messy. At the same time, grit is not be undervalued here, because grit enables engineers to do what it called “DEBUGGING” code...that, the the process of writing code, running the code, having the code output the wrong answer, then figuring out why the code produced the wrong answer, and rewriting the code. The truth is: when one writes code, one does not always know what one writes until running it, and developing the ability to write 100% correct code the first time takes years, and actually never is fully achieved.

Therefore, debugging will happen, and to do it well takes an inquisitive mind, like that of an inspector. In fact, amongst all the parts of building software, debugging is most fun for the author. There something energizing about inspecting broken software. It is like the urge to stractch an itch: the urge to scratch fills the body with energy and makes the body perform the scratch, even if that person is really tired and does not want to move at all. With code as well, if the engineer wants to find out why something broke, he/she will often not stop until fully understanding the root causeg.

After all that debugging, if the engineer tests the code and it works, then congrats, the problem is solved! For the aspiring engineer, solve a minimum of one hundred and fifty of these problems (log onto either or to find problems). After that, keep practicing until solving a medium-level problem within forty-five minutes is easy, then apply for a job as a software engineer. Of course, that number is a rough estimate, casually recalled by the author as the number of problems that Google thinks an aspiring engineer should solve before one is ready to work for them.

An Exercise: (WANT TO KNOW)

Think of a problem that you want to solve, and document your thoughts and conclusions as you go through problem solving process. It can be any problem, and it doesn't have to be computer programming problem.

Some questions to ask yourself are: Can I think of the problem in terms of inputs and outputs? Where do I get stuck in the process? What gets you unstuck?

How To Brainstorm Strategies: (LEARNED)

Lets say that the problem is to figure out how the following inputs convert to the following outputs:

[2, -1, 1] => [1, -1, 2]
[3, -1, 2] => [2, -1, 3] 
[3, -1, 0] => [0, -1, 3]

If the engineer doesn't know the answer, he/she will start with some simple observations, such as that every single array has three numbers, and that the middle number is always -1. This will naturally lead to the observation that those two nonnegative inputs become sorted in the process of an input changing into an output (excluding the -1). These observations lead to even more intersting observations. For example, presence of the -1 illuminates a subtle pattern: that the position of the -1 doesn't change when an input becomes an output. From these collective observations, the explanation for how inputs turn into outputs will begin to crystallize in the mind. Perhaps, it becomes clear that each test case's input simply has its first and last element swapped with the other. More formally stated:

Swap the first element with the last element.

The above statement is an example of what engineers call a strategy, discovered via the process of making more and more sophisticated observations, ending in the discovery of how the input becomes the output. Regarding the written strategy, it should be a relatively quick procedure to verify that it actually does describe all the test cases, so see that it does.

Regarding the process of arriving at the strategy, the author has no clue, but would very much like to know, what happens in the brain when an engineer converges on a strategy. If the author attempted to eloquently describe a theory of the mental mechanism involved in such a task, it would be sufficient to say that mind has a way of feeding upon itself, using the result of previous thought as material for the next round of pattern recognition. In truth, however, the author cannot see into the brain, and so has no idea what happens.

Therefore, how this is exactly accomplished is of great academic importance, for the sheer fact that all artistic pursuits include these moments of clarity: a few seconds of sudden knowledge of a pattern exists, the precise details of which naturally dependent on the medium of art being pursued. This moment of clarity is so satisfying, yet so illusive a feeling that the author feel warranted to request an in-depth study, should one not already be underway.

In case it wasn't clear, that particular moment in software engineering is the instant where all of the patterns that the engineer had derived from his or her observations suddenly congeal into the series of instructions that must be performed in order to transform the input into the output. In fact, the beauty and desirability of this feeling is such that author also requests a thorough study of why people seek to have this feeling.

In short, this kind of thinking bears striking resemblance to the intellectual musings that arise when immersed in the psychedelic experience of reality bending in strange loops. That is to say, it's pretty trippy to think about this kind of stuff. And the truth is that this carefully rethinking of one's own thoughts is a laborious process. Until the time comes when it is not, the engineer just has to do it. Hopefully there come a time when coding is an effortless process, but in the meantime, the mental labor of translating language into code is quite mysterious in and of itself; despite the strong desire to alleviate birth pains containeed therein, the miracle of the mind being able to it in the first place, yet be avoidant to it, and also be able perform amazing feats of resourcefullness through it, all at the same time, merits an academic investigation of large scale. As a message to powerful institutions and governments, please stop fighting wars and put resources into answering questions like these.

The author's opinion is that the only guaranteed way to successfully make this translation is to subdivide the problem. In order to understand it, let us take the previous set of test cases as a subdivion of a larger test case, and make some connections. Here is the expanded set of test cases:

[2, -1, 1] => [1, -1, 2]
[3, -1, 2] => [2, -1, 3] 
[3, -1, 0] => [0, -1, 3]
[-1, 4, 2] => [-1, 2, 4]
[5, 0, -1] => [5, 0, -1]

The first three tests are of course identical for the former set, and the next two are new cases of inputs and outputs.

Let the reader once again make some observations. The new test cases are similar in terms of length, containing a -1, output being swapped, and having a -1 which does not move, but are also different in one single way: the placement of the -1. Pondering this should lead the problem solver to arrive at the observation that while the -1 might be placed in a different position, the other two numbers still simply get swapped with one another.

Putting all of this together into a pattern that accurately describes all of the test cases would be:

Swap the two numbers are not equal to -1.

Lo and behold, a new strategy is born, and let the reader understand how subdivision applies here. Looking at this strategy reveals how the initial strategy is buried within this new strategy. That is, if the position of the -1 is in the middle of the three numbers, then the swapping that occurs would be identical to the kind of swapping done in the intitially proposed strategy (that of simply swapping the first and last element.) Of course, if the position of the -1 isn't the middle number, then certain other kinds of swapping would need to happen...for instance, perhaps instead swapping first and second element. Thus, it is fair to say that not only does the new solution encapuslate the original solution, but it accounts for other transformations too. Appreciate how this creation of a hierarchy of logical operations amounts to subdivision much in the way that a tree trunk branches off into many more than were started with.

In this way, subdivision speaks to how one strategy can be a smaller, individually describable strategy of a more complex strategy. Also notice that an example from nature, that of a tree, serves quite well as the analogy to explain this concept. In short, it is a movement from the simple towards the complex, using the image of the tree as a helper for the mind to conceive of strategies. Like the branches, strategies relate to one another in the way that a larger trunk encapsulates the simpler strategies. The technique of subdivision, therefore, is to perform the congition required to understand the problem in this particular way, and in doing so, understand the problem better.

To describe subdivision another way, let us return to the strategy under analysis:

Swap the two numbers not equal to -1.

It may be possible that somebody simply asks an engineer today to write a program to perform the above task, and the engineer doesn't know how to code it. At this point, the engineer will attempt to break the problem into smaller chunks that he/she does in fact know how to code. How this is done will now be demonstrated:

Given the above the strategy, the solutions to such a division would probably look like this:

First, find the location of -1. 
Second, swap the other two numbers.

Written another possible way is:

First, find the two valid numbers.
Second, swap them.

In fat, it can sometimes be unintuitive to see this subdivision. This is because the concept of finding things before moving things is an apparent step in people's minds. Yet, if people paid attention very closely to their minds, they would know that in their own lives, whenever they want to move somethings, they must first locate the thing to be moved. The reason that this is true is because people get nervous when they realize they lost the things they were trying to move.

Consider, for instance, a hypothetical situation where you want to take out your favorite shirt from the dresser, but when you open the dresser to take it out, you realize it's not there. If this happens, you will start wondering where it is, but the only reason you care about where its whereabouts is because you want to move it. Certainly there are other reasons to care about where is located, but for the sake of this exercise, simply understand that the anxiety of not knowing the whereabouts of an object one wants to move establishes the psychological construct of the need to find the thing as a precursor to moving the thing.

In this way, the programmer studies the physical nature of things, drawing inspiration from it when thinking of ways to subdivide problems. In fact, the author is very interested in exploring the connection more.

Continuing forward, the coder will a find ultimately find a way to explain the strategy in a practical way such as this (with the two sudivided options referenced in brackets:)

If the -1 is in first position: [find the -1]
    Swap the second and the third elements. [swap]
If the -1 is in second position:
    Swap the first and the last elements.
If the -1 is in third position:
    Swap the first and the second elements.

Notice here how the new instructions demonstrate certain other kinds of subdivision, a subdivision that brings the instructions into a physical realm, as if the person reading the instructions was looking at the numbers on a chalkboard or as blocks on the ground. This reference to the physical act of tracking things emphasizes that inputs and outputs are actual things being manipulated as they existed in a physical world.

Also notice the strategy for the smaller set of inputs contained therein. "Swap the first and the last elements." There it is, clear as day! It was not hard to make this observation when the more complex strategy is already subdivided for us to see, but in the situation where one is first given the more complex strategy without subdivions, it is very difficult to make those subdivisions oneself.

This makes the challenge of subdividing down exemplifies what mathematicians call NP problems. NP Problems can time a long time to solve, but it is a very quick process to verify a possible solution. Subdividing is a kind of this problem because making subdivisions can take a long time, but given a set of possible subdivisions to any given strategy, it is easy to tell which ones are correctly contained in the parent strategy.

On another note, it may occur to the reader that the subdivisions being described could in fact be subdivided more, perhaps into physical movements of the body or eyes and more detailed biological processes in the human body, etc. It is the engineer's job to know which 'level of abstraction' is best suited for trasnforming into code, and any software engineer will gain this knowledge through practice.

There you have it: subdivision highlights the ways in which the engineer reaches an understanding of his/her mental processes as he/she transform inputs into outputs, and brings the engineer 'closer to the code', so that implementing the strategy becomes easier. Certainly, the journey doesn't stop here. In fact, it just began, for the task is now to implement the strategy. But that will not be part of this discussion, for "Where there is a will, there is a way." and the programmer trusts in his/her research skills and resourcefullness.

As a final note, it is worth mentioning certain strategies that engineers employ while coding. The first is debugging. When debugging, the engineer look at code very closely while it is running. It is supremely important to master this skill. The second is doing code on paper. The profound truth about software engineering is that software often cannot be understood when it is read or written. Therefore, the engineer must actually run the code in his/her mind, step by step, in order to fully understand the code. Literature for how to perform these two technique is abundant, so the author will simply highlight their common usage.

With that, this concludes the discussion on how programmers think. Thank you again reading, and please leave feedback!

-- The tips below will help an individual get started in coding.

Tips to Get Started:

  1. Take a free online coding course ( is good, python or javascript are good to start).
  2. Ask an engineer to teach you how to debug, do code on paper, and "research documentation."
  3. Do problems on and ( for codesignal: arcade or interview problems).
  4. Apply the ideas in this paper to the problems.


How computer programmers think.






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