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LIPPIA Mobile Example Project


The following project has the purpose of demonstrate and let test automation developers to to test a Mobile App using Lippia Automation Framework and Docker Android stack, based on Budi Utomo Docker Android project.

System Requirements:

Getting started

Reports integrations

We believe that the reports should express the results of our tests in the most legible, detailed and pleasant way possible, so that in this way, our clients have at their disposal a report on the operation and behavior of their product, as well as the performance of the team. That is why Lippia, in addition to supporting the integration with ExtentReport, provides a ReportServer for each client.
Next, we will see the structure of the project and from where we can access them.

Reports are generated in the folder called target, which will be generated once the execution of the test suite is finished.

Note that the following structure is part of the report generated with ExtentReport library.

├── lippia-mobile-sample-project
    ├── docs
    |   └── ...
    ├── src
    |   └── ...
    ├── target
    |   └── reports
    |       └── index.html
    └── ...


ExtentReport example

Project structure

A typical Lippia Test Automation project usually looks like this

├── main
│       ├── java
│       │    └── com
│       │        └── crowdar
│       │               └── examples
│       │                       ├── constants
│       │                       │       └──
│       │                       │       └──
│       │                       │       └──
│       │                       ├── services
│       │                       │       └──
│       │                       │       └──
│       │                       │       └──
│       │                       │ 
│       │                       └── steps
│       │                               └──
│       │                               └──
│       │                               └──
│       └── resources
|               ├── capabilities
|               |       └── androidCapabilities
|               |       └── browserStackCapabilities  
│               └──
│               └──
└── test
    ├── java
    │       └── com
    │           └── crowdar
    │                   └──
    └── resources
        └── features
            └── Demos.feature

Folder's description:

Path Description
main\java\...\examples\services\*.java Folder with all the Services matching steps with java code
main\java\...\examples\steps\* Folder with all the steps which match with Gherkin Test Scenarios
main\java\...\examples\constants\*.java Folder with all the locators which match with services
test\resources\features\*.feature Folder with all the feature files containing Test Scenarios and Sample Data
main\resources Folder with all configuration needed to run Lippia
main\resources\capabilities\*json Folder with all the capabilities availables for the driver

In this example, Demos is the Apk the framework will interact with. The steps are defined to execute the Test Scenarios defined in Gherkin language.

File Description PageObject: between each element in the aplication HomeService you want to interact with. You need to add one new file for each page you want to navigate in your tests. StepObject: Code to support the behaviour of each step coded into the feature files for the HomeService. This code executes the interaction between the Framework and the web application and match the steps with the code who run interactions.
Demos.feature Feature file: Definition of the Test Scenarios with all the steps written in Cucumber format


(Services) contains the business logic, we call the locators hardcoded here or, in this case,located in the constants class, and then, the action we need to do.

public class LoginService {

    public static void doLogin(String email, String password){
        MobileActionManager.setInput(LoginConstants.EMAIL_INPUT_LOCATOR, email);
        MobileActionManager.setInput(LoginConstants.PASSWORD_INPUT_LOCATOR, password); + DriverManager.getName());

    public static void isViewLoaded(){
        Assert.assertTrue(MobileActionManager.isVisible(LoginConstants.EMAIL_INPUT_LOCATOR), LoginConstants.VIEW_NOT_DISPLAYED_MESSAGE);

Step Object

In the steps files we connect the gherkin with java code, and here is the connection with the services, in these classes there should not be logic

public class LoginSteps extends PageSteps {

    @Given("The app is loaded correctly")
    @Then("Login page is displayed")
    public void isLoginPageVisible() {

    @When("The user goes to the Sign Up page")
    public void goToSignUp() {;

    @When("The user logs in the application with: (.*), (.*)")
    public void doLoginProcess(String email, String password) {
        LoginService.doLogin(email, password);



The locators are defined in this folder which are used in services classes.

public class LoginConstants {

    public static final String EMAIL_INPUT_LOCATOR = "ACCESSIBILITY_ID:emailAddressInputLogin";
    public static final String PASSWORD_INPUT_LOCATOR = "ACCESSIBILITY_ID:passwordInputLogin";
    public static final String SIGN_IN_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "ACCESSIBILITY_ID:signInButtonLogin";
    public static final String SIGN_UP_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "ACCESSIBILITY_ID:signUpButtonLogin";

    public static final String VIEW_NOT_DISPLAYED_MESSAGE = "Login page is not displayed.";

Feature File

The Test Scenarios can be written using BDD metodology. This project includes Cucumber as BDD interpreter which is supported by Lippia by default. On each declared step you can insert the calls defined from service classes

Feature: As a potential client i want to interact with the mobile application

  Scenario Outline: The user starts the application, registers a new user, changes the language, log out of the app and log in to the app.
    Given The app is loaded correctly
    When The user goes to the Sign Up page
    And The user registers a new user with: <username>, <email>, <password>
    Then Home page is displayed

    When The user changes the language
    And The user log out of the app
    Then Login page is displayed

    When The user logs in the application with: <email>, <password>
    Then Home page is displayed

      | username   | email                | password |
      | automation | | 123456   |


The capabilities are located in a json file. This file is mandatory. The values that are inside "{{}}" are replaced with the values located in and in that file, the key must be equal to the property to replace. For example, in deviceName=Android ; Avd property must be empty in case of using a real device.

  "deviceName": "{{deviceName}}",
  "app": "{{app}}",
  "platformName": "Android",
  "avd": "{{avd}}",
  "resetKeyboard": "true",
  "unicodeKeyboard": "true"


├── lippia-mobile-sample-project
│   ├── docs
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── main
│   ├── java
│   │     └── ...
│   ├── resources 
│   │     └── ...
│   ├── test
│   │     ├── resources
│   │     │ └── ...
│   │ 
│   ├── pom.xml
│   ├── testngParallel.xml
│   ├── testng.xml

The test cases are executed using TestNG class. This class is the main entry point for running tests in the TestNG framework. By creating their own TestNG object and invoke it on a testng.xml.

Attribute Description
name The name of this suite. It is a mandatory attribute.
verbose Whether TestNG should run different threads to run this suite.
parallel Whether TestNG should run different threads to run this suite.
thread-count The number of threads to use, if parallel mode is enabled (ignored other-wise).
annotations The type of annotations you are using in your tests.
time-out The default timeout that will be used on all the test methods found in this test.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="BDD Test Suite" verbose="1" parallel="tests" thread-count="1" configfailurepolicy="continue">
    <test name="Login and Update Profile Test" annotations="JDK" preserve-order="true">
            <class name="com.crowdar.bdd.cukes.TestNGSecuencialRunner" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="BDD Test Suite" verbose="1" parallel="methods" data-provider-thread-count="4" thread-count="4" configfailurepolicy="continue">
    <test name="Test 1" annotations="JDK" preserve-order="true">
            <class name="com.crowdar.bdd.cukes.TestNGParallelRunner"/>

This file captures your entire testing and makes it easy to describe all your test suites and their parameters in one file, which you can check in your code repository or e-mail to coworkers.


A Project Object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project. It contains default values for most projects. Examples for this is the build directory, which is target; the source directory, which is src/main/java; the test source directory, which is src/test/resources; and so on. When executing a task or goal, Maven looks for the POM in the current directory. It reads the POM, gets the needed configuration information, then executes the goal.

How to select Sequential or Parallel Runner:

Sequential Runner:

  • In the pom.xml file, it looks for the POM in the current directory and assign the value of testng.xml.

  • This would be as follows:


Parallel Runner:

  • In the pom.xml file, it looks for the POM in the current directory and assign the value of testngParalel.xml

  • This would be as follows:



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