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Acala x PolkaWorld Dapp Hackathon 2022

Submitted Applications 📑

(Ordered alphabetically)

  • Bytepay -- Bytepay is a platform that supports paid tasks to complete open-source tasks on Github. And the project owner or maintainer can sell the opensource product like (bin files apk etc.) as NFT.
  • Chemix -- Chemix Ecosystem is an asset auction DEFI platform focusing on the blockchain level 1-2 market. Publish and participate in auction projects, and speed up asset circulation.
  • Discover Box -- A Trojan war themed mystery box game deployed on Acala EVM+.
  • Hotpot -- A codeless DAO launching toolkit based on bonding curve.
  • Margole -- A decentralized project, including swap, leveraged trading, ETF trading and NFT. Build a complete DeSaaS platform to provide infrastructure and services for decentralized applications.
  • MetaDefender -- MetaDefender is a one-stop insurance that protects cross-chain diverse digital assets (including general tokens and NFTs), and provides financial products with contractual security.
  • MetaGamiMall -- To build a Acala metaverse hub in Decentraland to promote Acala products and expand the use cases of aUSD.
  • RainbowDAO -- Multi-chain DAO Infrastructure Service Protocol.
  • Sirius Finance -- Sirius Finance is a cross-chain stablecoin AMM, that attracts and locks tremendous value through stablecoins with low-slippage trading costs, attractive APY for liquidity providers, and allows for more financial innovations or yield enhancements for Polkadot users.

Application 🎯

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. In the newly created fork, create a copy of the application template folder (applications/application-template-project/)in the applications folder. If you're using the GitHub web interface, you will need to create a new folder and copy the contents of the template folder inside the new folder. Make sure you do not modify the template files directly.
  3. Name the new folder after your project: project_name/.
  4. In your newly created project folder, upload your project full source code for review. (It is allowed to not upload the project code when submitting the application for the first time, and upload it multiple times in the future).
  5. In the file of the newly created project folder, fill in the project information (First submission is allowed to fill in [TODO]). The more complete the information you provide, the more certain our attitude towards the project team will be. The template for providing information: applications/application-template-project/
  6. Once done, create a pull request. Pull requests should only have files under a new folder - the new project folder you created from the template. application-demo pull request.

Hacking Directions 🎏

  1. aUSD-foucus DApps, compatible to Acala EVM+, driving to grow the usage of aUSD,including but not limited to DEX, Money Markets, Derivatives, DAOs, Asset Management , payment and other applications, etc.
  2. Infrastructure for parachains , wallet and basic development tools for aUSD ecosystem;
  3. DeFi, Gamefi, NFT, DAO and Other Applications, which are compatible to EVM+
  4. Any team with innovative idea is welcomed to build on Acala network.

Schedule 🗓

  1. Github application registration: Deadline April 17
  2. Primary: April 18 - April 22
  3. Selected teams are invited to join the group: April 25
  4. EVM+ Workshop Q&A (1): April 26
  5. EVM+ Workshop Q&A (2): May 11
  6. Entry optimization and adjustment: April 26 - May 13
  7. Hackathon Online Demo + Judges Scoring: May 14
  8. Announcement of winners: May 15

Tutorials And Technical Discussions 🛰