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This project is creating a soundchip out of an ATtiny85. Written entirely in assembly, it is small enough to fit even onto an ATtiny25 (and the '45 too, obviously).


  • 5 channels (named A, B, C, D and E)
    • Each of those has a phase accumulator-powered pulse oscillator with:
      • 8-bit duty cycle
      • 8-bit phase accumulator increment value
      • 3-bit octave value (shifts the increment value)
      • Dedicated phase reset bit
  • Volume control:
    • 2 envelope generators (A and B):
      • Powered by phase accumulators
      • 8-bit phase accumulator increment value
      • 4-bit octave value
        • When the MSB of the octave value is set, the pitch is equivalent to the pulse oscillators
      • Fully AY-compatible shapes, but linear and with 256 steps
      • Dedicated phase reset bit
    • A channel's static volume:
      • 8 bits when not using envelopes
      • When using envelopes, the MSB halves the envelope's volume
    • Panning registers:
      • 2 bits each
      • Always enabled, even without stereo
  • Noise generator:
    • Powered by a 16-bit Galois LFSR with adjustable taps
    • The operation is XNOR, always can come back to life
    • Dedicated phase reset bit
    • On each channel, OR'd with the pulse wave
  • Sample playback
    • Not implemented (yet)


The registers themselves:

 ___________ _______ _______________________________________________________________
|           | Bit → |   7   |   6   |   5   |   4   |   3   |   2   |   1   |   0   |
|   Index   |  Name |=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|
|   0x0n    | PILOX |          Pitch increment value for tone on channel X          |    n = 0..4, X = A..E
|   0x05    | PILON |           Pitch increment value for noise generator           |
|   0x06    | PHIAB |Ch.B PR|Channel B octave number|Ch.A PR|Channel A octave number|
|   0x07    | PHICD |Ch.D PR|Channel D octave number|Ch.C PR|Channel C octave number|
|   0x08    | PHIEN |NoisePR|Noise gen octave number|Ch.E PR|Channel E octave number|
|   0x0n    | DUTYX |                   Channel X tone duty cycle                   |    n = 9..D, X = A..E
|   0x0E    | NTPLO |             Noise LFSR inversion value (low byte)             |
|   0x0F    | NTPHI |             Noise LFSR inversion value (high byte)            |
|   0x1n    | VOLX  |                    Channel X static volume                    |    n = 0..4, X = A..E
|   0x1n    | CFGX  |NoiseEn| EnvEn |Env/Smp| Slot# |  Right volume |  Left volume  |    n = 5..9, X = A..E
|   0x1A    | ELLO  |             Low byte of envelope phase load value             |
|   0x1B    | ELHI  |            High byte of envelope phase load value             |
|   0x1C    | ESHP  |EnvB PR|    Envelope B shape   |EnvA PR|    Envelope A shape   |
|   0x1D    | EPLA  |             Pitch increment value for envelope A              |
|   0x1E    | EPLB  |             Pitch increment value for envelope B              |
|   0x1F    | EPH   |     Envelope B octave num     |     Envelope A octave num     |


  • PR means phase reset in every case
  • The envelope phase load values are shared, and loaded into an envelope when its phase reset bit is set (it can be both)
  • The default values for registers:
    • Most are 0
    • NTPHI is 0x24, sorta corresponding to the AY-3-8910
    • CFGX is 0x0F, corresponding to maximum panning volume on both sides

Real hardware


The firmware is located in the avr folder, and is entirely written in AVR assembly. Its size is currently under 2 Kibibytes, therefore it can fit onto an ATtiny25 and '45 in addition to the '85. It is assembled with the avra assembler by running the command make firmware, which puts the resulting .hex file into the bin/avr folder.


The pin connection diagram is:

               __ __
     /Reset -1|° U  |8- VCC
        CS0 -2|     |7- SPI CLK
    OUT/CS1 -3|     |6- SPI DO (MOSI)
        GND -4|_____|5- SPI DI (MISO)

Pins 2, 5, 6, 7 (and 3 if external DACs are enabled) are used for communicating with other devices via SPI. The ATtiny is the master of SPI for all connections, which are (depending on the CS pins):

CS1 CS0 External Device
0 0 Register write storage
0 1 Flash memory
(if sample playback is enabled)
1 0 (Left) DAC output
(if external DAC used)
1 1 Right DAC output
(if 2 external DACs used for stereo)

Note: the CS1 pin is only used if external DAC(s) is/are enabled, otherwise it is the OUT pin (outputting PWM).


Here's a table of all output modes:

Name Manufacturer Output
bit depth
Stereo support Notes Implemented?
PWM output on OUT pin 8 No PWM driven at 31250 Hz
Is the default
TI 8
Yes (needs 2x) No
DAC7612 TI 12 Yes (needs 1x) No
Microchip 8
Yes (needs 2x) No
Microchip 8
Yes (needs 1x) No

Register writes

1 register write is 16 bits long and must work like this:

  1. The MSB must be a "1" for the ATtiny to even proceed to get the register write.
  2. The next 7 bits are the address of the register write
  3. The next 8 bits are the value of the register write

The ATtiny85APU automatically flushes 1 register write per sample, the CLK speed is ½ of the master clock speed (e.g. 4 MHz CLK speed at 8 MHz clock speed). Order of transfer is MSB first.

Clock speeds

Due to all of the pins being busy, the ATtiny85APU cannot receive an external clock signal. Therefore, it only has 2 clock source options:

  • The default internal oscillator:
    • Maximum 8 MHz clock speed, corresponding to 15625 Hz sample rate (and 31250 Hz PWM rate, if used)
    • Divisible further by the prescalers (albeit you would not want to hear a constant noise)
      • At 8 MHz, can be powered by as little as 2.4V
      • At 4 MHz and lower, can be powered by 1.8V
  • The PLL:
    • 16 MHz clock speed, corresponding to 31250 Hz sample rate (and 62500 Hz PWM rate, if used)
    • Requires at least 3.78V for safe operation


The emulator is located in the emu/libt85apu folder. It is written in C99. Features:

  • Fully compatible with the features of the real hardware
  • Cycle-accurate emulation of the output delays from when it was calculated
  • Ability to set arbitrary sample and clock rates
  • 2 resampling quality options available:
    • 0: No resampling
    • 1: Averaging of values on that sample
  • Emulates all of the output modes implemented in real hardware
    • 2 options for PWM output on pin 3:
      • Essentially an 8-bit DAC
      • Actual cycle-accurate PWM emulation
  • Emulation of a (fixed-size, decided at compile time, defaults to 1) stack register that register writes can pile up onto and then automatically flushed when it's time to update
    • A function that tells you whether an update is pending in the shift register
  • An API similar to emu2149
  • A class-based C++ wrapper for your convenience
  • zlib licensed

To use it, copy the emu/libt85apu folder into your project, and include the t85apu.h in C, or t85apu.hpp if you want to use the C++ wrapper.