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CSS Selectors Lab

In this lab, you'll have the opportunity to design a personal webpage. The content already exists -- you just need to style it to the best of your ability!

Lab Setup

Getting started

  1. Fork and clone this repository.

  2. Navigate to the cloned repository's directory on your command line. Then, run the following command:

    npm install

    This will install the libraries needed to run the tests.

  3. Open up the repository in VSCode. Follow the instructions below to complete the Lab.


To run the tests, you can run the following command from the command line. You will need to be in the root directory of your local directory.

npm test

This will open the Cypress testing window, where you can click to run an individual suite of tests or all of the tests at once.


To complete the tests in this lab, you will need to add the following styles. If you're unclear about any of the instructions below, remember that you can check the test file to see what exactly is being tested.

  • Set all paragraph text to have a font of Helvetica, sans-serif.
  • Set all headings to have a font of Georgia, serif.
  • The profile photo should have a class of profile-photo. Then, update your CSS so that any element with the profile-photo class has a blue border that has a 1px width.
  • Align all text within the body element to be in the center of the page.
  • Update the style of all headings so that they are bold and have a blue underline. Note that an underline is not the same as a border.
  • Add a class of skills-header to the relevant h2 element. Then, update your CSS so that any element with a skills-header class has the color rebeccapurple.
  • Change all links on the page so that they show up red.
  • The unordered list underneath the "Languages" heading should include a class of languages-list. Then, style all lists that have that class to have a list-style-image property with the value being the globe image stored in the assets/ folder.

Once your complete with the above tasks, your page should look something like the image below.

Completed lab image.

Once you've completed these tasks, continue to style your page. Consider adding specific styles to all list items, only list items under the "Libraries" heading, the introductory paragraph, and the "Hardest Bug So Far" section.


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