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ftw.calendar is a calendar view based on fullcalendar (


  • Generic: ftw.calendar doesn't care about the event objects, it only needs a collection in which the resulting brains have a start and a end attribute. If the calendar view is on an other content type than a collection, it will show all events (types defined in portal_calendar) below this context.
  • Lightweight: the only requirement (apart from plone of course) is simplejson. Optionally, if you want to enable resizing of events and the drag and drop functionality, you can install jquery.ui but it is not required.
  • Internationalized: currently ftw.calendar is available in german, english and czech. Feel free to add more translations.
  • Integrated: ftw.calendar cares about your calendar settings. First day of the week is respected and displayed accordingly.
  • Flexible: The calendar source is implemented as an adapter. Override it to modify the title or add css classes.


  • Add ftw.calendar to your buildout configuration:
eggs +=
  • Install the generic import profile.

Use the ftwcalendar_view as the new default view on any collection. The default events-collection in a new plone site should work well, you probably should remove the date criterions though, since fullcalendar needs to be able to set them according to the selected month.

Calendar Source

For easy customization i recommend extending from the default calendar source implementation and override one of the three defined functions.

This is an example from `ftw.meeting`:

from ftw.calendar.browser.calendarupdateview import CalendarJSONSource

class MeetingCalendarJSONSource(CalendarJSONSource):

    def generate_source_dict_from_brain(self, brain):
        output = super(MeetingCalendarJSONSource,

        if brain.Type == 'Meeting' and \
           self.memberid in brain.getAttendeesOrUsers:

            output['className'] += ' attendee'

        return output


<configure zcml:condition="installed ftw.calendar">
        for="* ftw.meeting.interfaces.IMeetingLayer"

Calendar Event Creator

Calendar entries can be created by clicking a date/time on the calendar widget. Since ftw.calendar does not know which event type is used in a particular project it has to be defined by the product using ftw.calendar. There is no default implementation! It won't work unless you implement it in your product.

This is done using an adapter. Here is an example from `ftw.contentpage`:

from ftw.calendar.browser.interfaces import IFtwCalendarEventCreator
from plone import api
from zope.interface import implements

class CalendarEventPageCreator(object):

    def __init__(self, context, request):
        self.context = context
        self.request = request

    def getEventType(self):
        return "EventPage"

    def createEvent(self, title, start_date):
        return api.content.create(container=self.context,

configure.zcml :

   for="* *"


Often there are javascript-errors just after installing and trying the calendar view. Normally these are due to javascript caching and can be easily solved by enabling javascript debugging in the js_registry.


Many thanks to Adam Shaw for jq.fullcalendar.


Runs with Plone 4.3, 5.1.



This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

ftw.calendar is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.