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Python package License: GPL v3 docs PyPI PyPI - Python Version

torchtree is a program designed for inferring phylogenetic trees from molecular sequences. Implemented in Python, it leverages PyTorch for automatic differentiation. The suite of inference algorithms encompasses variational inference, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, maximum a posteriori, and Markov chain Monte Carlo.

Getting Started



Use an Anaconda environment (Optional)

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate torchtree

To install the latest stable version you can run

pip install torchtree

To build torchtree from source you can run

git clone
pip install torchtree/

Check install

torchtree --help

Quick start

torchtree requires a JSON file containing models and algorithms. A configuration file can be generated using torchtree-cli, a command line-based tool. This two-step process allows the user to adjust values in the configuration file, such as hyperparameters.

1 - Generating a configuration file

Some examples of models using variational inference:

Unrooted tree with GTR+W4 model

W4 refers to a site model with 4 rates categories coming from a discretized Weibull distribution. This is similar to the more commonly used discretized Gamma distribution site model.

torchtree-cli advi -i data/fluA.fa -t data/fluA.tree -m GTR -C 4 > fluA.json

Time tree with strict clock and constant coalescent model

torchtree-cli advi -i data/fluA.fa -t data/fluA.tree -m JC69 --clock strict --coalescent constant > fluA.json

2 - Running torchtree

This will generate sample.csv and sample.trees files containing parameter and tree samples drawn from the variational distribution

torchtree fluA.json

torchtree plug-in

torchtree can be easily extended without modifying the code base thanks its modular implementation. Some examples of external packages


Distributed under the GPLv3 License. See LICENSE for more information.


torchtree makes use of the following libraries and tools, which are under their own respective licenses: