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A reimplementation of statsd to use CoAP as the transport mechanism, and dynamically compressed metric keys.

Getting started

This project requires Go to be installed. On OS X with Homebrew you can just run brew install go, then install glide.

Running it then should be as simple as:

$ make
$ ./bin/statsg


make test


As I always like to consider bandwidth for my services, I thought I'd take a look at a low-hanging fruit such as statsd, and how I could possibly consume less bandwidth while still receiving relevant metrics. Two things came to mind. Using a different transport protocol, and creating a easy method to compress the metric key.

CoAP for transport

CoAP, or Constrained Application Protocol as defined by RFC 7252 is

The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a specialized web transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes and constrained networks in the Internet of Things. The protocol is designed for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications such as smart energy and building automation.

The idea is to use a minimalistic transport protocol, which is just UDP on IP with a 4-byte fixed header and compact encoding.

Compressing the metric key

In general, statsd metric keys are dot-notated plaintext which follows a form such as com.example.api.service_name.some.specific.metric which is nice for easy tcpdump sessions, but can be a little wasteful in terms of bandwidth. Building the representation as a tree could simplify it as

| Field | Size    | Representation | Plaintext            |
|     1 | 1 byte  |    [0 - 2^8)   | com.example.api      |
|     2 | 1 byte  |    [0 - 2^8)   | service_name         |
|     3 | 1 byte  |    [0 - 2^8)   | some.specific.metric |
|     4 | n bytes | You metric val | Plaintext metric val |

This would yield 255 FQDNs, 255 services per FQDN, and 255 metrics per service yielding 16,777,216 keys in total expressed in 5 bytes.


  • Persistance for the keyspace
  • Windows make file
  • Statsd output writer
  • Direct WhisperDB writer
