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Python script to monitor telegram channel subs joining and leaving

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Telegram Channel Subscription Monitor

This is a Python-based automation tool utilizing Telethon to emulate and automate Telegram client activities, specifically monitoring channel subscriptions.

Key Features:

  • Automated Monitoring: Regularly checks for user subscription and unsubscription events on a Telegram channel.
  • Service-Oriented: Runs as a continuous service on Linux, fetching admin actions every 5 minutes.
  • Efficient Storage: Actions are hashed based on the date and user ID. Only unique actions are saved to the Firebase Firestore database, preventing duplicates.
  • Real-time Notifications: Sends detailed alerts of each action to another Telegram channel or group. These alerts include user ID, nickname, first and last name, action date, and the corresponding hash.
  • Sentry Integration (Optional): Monitor application health and track potential issues with Sentry.



  • OS: Linux-based machine.
  • Permissions: User with sudo access.
  • Runtime: Python 3.x installed.

Firebase Firestore:

  1. Database Setup:
    • Create a collection named admin_actions.
    • Insert an empty document with a random name within this collection.
  2. Private Key Configuration:
    • Download your Firebase private key file from the Firebase console.
    • Rename the key file to serviceAccountKey.json.
    • Place it in the root directory of the project (where is located).


  1. API Credentials:
  2. Channel to Monitor:
    • Ensure you have a Telegram channel nickname you want to monitor (e.g., @channel_name).
  3. Bot Token:
  4. Notification Receiver ID:
    • Decide on a Telegram channel or group to receive notifications.
    • Obtain the chat id for this destination (e.g., -1001234567890).
    • If you're unfamiliar with this process, follow this guide to get the chat ID.
  5. Notification Receiver Invite Link:
    • Create an invite link for the notification receiver channel or group.
    • This will be used to check if all events were successfully sent to the notification receiver.
    • Example for private channel:
  6. Add bot to notification receiver:
    • Add the bot to the notification receiver channel or group.
    • Give the bot admin privileges to allow it to send messages.

Sentry (Optional):

  • DSN: Obtain a DSN (Data Source Name) from your Sentry account. This will be used to send error logs and tracking info to Sentry for monitoring the application's health.


1. Create a new directory for the project using the terminal

mkdir telegram-stats-monitor

2. Navigate to the project directory

cd telegram-stats-monitor

3. Clone the repository to machine that will run the service

git clone .

4. Set Up a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

5. Activate virtual environment


source venv/bin/activate

6. Install required packages from requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

7. Create Configuration

Create .env file in the root directory and add variables using .env.example file as a template

8. Firebase Firestore Setup

Ensure the Firebase private key file serviceAccountKey.json is in the root directory from step 2 on Firebase Firestore setup. Execute the following command and find the file in the root directory


9. Initial Run to Setup Telegram Session

Run the script manually for the first time to login into telegram and create session file


10. Deactivate the Virtual Environment

After logging in, stop the script (ctrl+c) and deactivate the virtual environment


11. Set up systemd service

  • Edit telegram-stats-monitor.service file and change ExecStart and WorkingDirectory to the correct path
  • Move the service file to the systemd directory: (telegram-stats-monitor.service to /etc/systemd/system/)
sudo cp telegram-stats-monitor.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • Reload the systemd daemon to recognize your service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Enable the service to start on boot:
sudo systemctl enable telegram-stats-monitor.service
  • Start the service:
sudo systemctl start telegram-stats-monitor.service
  • Check the status of the service (optional):
sudo systemctl status telegram-stats-monitor.service
  • To view logs, use the following command. Add the -e flag for real-time logs (optional):
sudo journalctl -u telegram-stats-monitor.service


sudo journalctl -u telegram-stats-monitor.service -e
  • Stopping and restarting the service (optional)
sudo systemctl stop telegram-stats-monitor.service
sudo systemctl restart telegram-stats-monitor.service
  • To disable the service from starting on boot (optional):
sudo systemctl disable telegram-stats-monitor.service


Python script to monitor telegram channel subs joining and leaving





