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Apache Subversion client for PowerShell.


  • Tab tab-completion (tab-expansion) for commands and parameters.
  • Typed output of cmdlets.
  • Formatted output to repeat the Subversion command line interface user experience.


PowerShell Gallery

Use the following command to install PoshSvn from PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module -Name PoshSvn

Compile yourself


To build PoshSvn you are required to have Visual Studio or Visual Studio Build Tools installed on your machine with the following components:

  • Desktop development with C++
    • vcpkg package manager
  • .NET desktop development

Getting source code

You may use official github mirror of PoshSvn to obtain source code. Use the following command to clone the repository:

git clone poshsvn
cd .\poshsvn

The other way is to checkout PoshSvn from my subversion server by link You may use the guest user with username guest and empty password.

svn checkout poshsvn
# or if you magicaly installed poshsvn without installing it...
svn-checkout poshsvn

cd .\poshsvn

Build process

The only you need to build PoshSvn is to call MSBuild with and pass some parameters.

The following command builds PoshSvn with all its components:

cd D:\Users\User\source\repos\opensource\rinrab\path\to\your\poshsvn\source\code\to\build
MSBuild.exe .\PoshSvn.sln /restore /property:Configuration=Release

This would take about 10 minutes to build all components. Next builds would take just a few seconds.


Build from Developer Command Prompt for VS or Developer PowerShell for VS because the MSBuild.exe is required to be in PATH.


To install PoshSvn you need to copy it to modules directory.

The PowerShell modules path contains in PSModulePath enviroment variable. The default PowerShell modules path is [Ducuments]\PowerShell\Modules.

Here is script which installs PoshSvn module to first avalible PSModulePath.

$modulesPath = $env:PSModulePath.Split(';')[0]
Copy-Item .\bin\poshsvn\ $modulesPath -Recurse -Force

To make sure that installation is done successfully, you may try to call svn-info cmdlet as shown in the following example:

PS C:\> svn-info

Path                  : trunk
URL                   :
Relative URL          : serf/trunk/
Repository Root       :
Repository UUID       : 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

Build via PowerShell script

You could use the PowerShell script to build PoshSvn. This script is located at the root of the PoshSvn repository.

Simle usage:


Or if you want to build specific component of the PoshSvn:

.\build.ps1 -Target Core

Install from MSI installer

You could install PoshSvn from the MSI installer. It is available at the Latest GitHub Release

From winget

Not ready yet.

winget install rinrab.poshsvn


For now, PoshSvn doesn't support Linux.

Maling lists

List Description Web Link Patches, bug reports, questions, and other Commit notifications