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🪐 Hello world

Hi, I'm Timothée Mazzucotelli. I develop open-source software, primarily Python tools and libraries. I do this full time: I earn my keep through sponsorships from individual users and companies, which is what makes these projects sustainable and gives you a chance to use them.

You can say hello to me on Mastodon, X, LinkedIn, Matrix, Discord, Telegram, Signal, or by email at 📫 👋🏼

🌱 Features

  • 🎓 learned computer science at a french university
  • 🐍 about 10 years of experience in development, particularly with Python
  • 🎠 really enjoy sharing code and contributing to other projects
  • 👔 working full time on open-source projects (following a sponsorware strategy)

🌲 Projects

📘 Documentation 🪛 [Developer] tools #️⃣ Shell stuff
mkdocstrings griffe shellman
mkdocstrings-python aria2p shenv/shenv
mkdocstrings-shell 🔒 duty shellm-org/core
mkdocstrings-typescript 🔒 failprint shellm-org/cover
mkdocs-autorefs git-changelog shellm-org/daemon
mkdocs-coverage copier-uv shellm-org/debug
mkdocs-manpage copier-pdm shellm-org/format
mkdocs-spellcheck dependenpy shellm-org/loop
mkdocs-pygments 🔒 devboard 🔒 shellm-org/profiler
markdown-exec pypi-insiders 🔒 shellm-org/template
markdown-pycon 🔒 insiders-project 🔒 shellm-org/trace
happy-path 🔒

🍋 See also

Have some green lemon:

green lemon