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Beginner DE Project - Batch Edition

Code for blog at Data Engineering Project for Beginners.


Data pipeline design

This data engineering project, includes the following:

  1. Airflow: To schedule and orchestrate DAGs.
  2. Postgres: To store Airflow's details (which you can see via Airflow UI) and also has a schema to represent upstream databases.
  3. DuckDB: To act as our warehouse
  4. Quarto with Plotly: To convert code in markdown format to html files that can be embedded in your app or servered as is.
  5. minio: To provide an S3 compatible open source storage system.
  6. Apache Spark: To process our data, specifically to run a classification algorithm.

Run Data Pipeline

Airflow DAG run


Start a code spaces, run make up, wait until its ready and click on the link in the Port tab to see the AirflowUI. Note: Make sure to turn off your codespaces when you are done, you only have a limited amount of free codespace use.

Codespace Codespace make up Codespace Airflow UI

Your Machine

  1. git
  2. Docker with at least 4GB of RAM and Docker Compose v1.27.0 or later

Clone the repo and run the make up command as shown here:

git clone
cd beginner_de_project
make up
make ci # run checks and tests
# To stop your containers run make down 

Open Airflow at localhost:8080 and sign in with username and password as airflow. Switch on the user_analytics_dag and it will start running.

On completion, you can see the dashboard html rendered at./dags/scripts/dashboard/dashboard.html.

Read this post, for information on setting up CI/CD, IAC(terraform), "make" commands and automated testing.