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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 9, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Imba 2 Template Netlify Status

preview-image A local project starter template for a Imba v2-alpha.

You are running a bleeding 🩸edge project 👨🏾‍🚀👩🏼‍🚀. Expect bugs and report them❗

Some of the amazing improvements to the next iteration of Imba are

  • Tags now compile to native web components 🤯
  • Lots and lots of improvements from ES concepts
  • Support for slots
  • Smart Styles latest PR info

For a list of other updates read:


On GitHub you can use this repository as a template for new projects, just click Use this template.

Alternatively clone this repository into your desired directory. Replace PROJECT_NAME with your desired folder name, or remove for default "template" name.

git clone PROJECT_NAME

Running the App

The commands below assume you are using either yarn or npm (not both).

Install the Dependencies

yarn # npm install

Start the Server

yarn start # npm start

To see the app running open http://localhost:10001 in the browser.

Have fun!

PS: This project is automatically configured with hot module reloading.