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Main game idea:

2D Pixel art
Side view
Mariana Trench
10,984 meters deep

Current main concept - RPG with horror elements

  • Game lore:

Rare minerals were recently found while digging in Mariana trench. Becouse of this discovery arms race started to get as mutch as possible of those minerals. Since it is so deep down you and you can't communicate becouse of radio signal distortion in water, big countries and unions started sending autonomous robots with digitalized human brains inside (in order to deal with moral and ethical issues human counterparts were killed, so it wasn't mind backup, more like mind transfer). You are one of those sentient robots, you have to collect minerals and survive, since one of biggest dangers are other robots that . The minerals caused deep underwater fauna to mutate. Those mutants don't like noise and are attracted by it. One of other dangers in the deep dark. In order to get the minerals from depths on surface there are ships with long elevator shafts running down to bottom. Elevators are quite away from mining sites, becouse mining sites are often attacked by mutants. Most of other robots that you will encounter have been (maybe intentionally) damaged during mind transfer, as sutch they gone beserk. The less the robot is sentient the more killing them is acceptable.

  • TODO: Think of name of that mineral and what is it used for.
  • Game mechanics:

  1. Fighting:
    • Mele - cool karate moves, mining drill attacks
    • Ranged - harpoons, torpedos, emp weapons, granades
  2. Movement - you are very heavy, becouse you are a robot, hence you can swim, but it is very slow and inefficient. In order to improve your movement you can install boosters for jumping and dashing. Grapling gun?
  3. Modular body/inventory - every part of your body is replacable and upgradable, example of a modular loadout: 1 reactor socket, 2 arm and 2 leg sockets, 2 booster pack (for jumping and dashing) sockets. Parts that you attatch can be damaged and repaired.
  4. Vision:
    • normal: using light - very primitive since it is very dark in the deep
    • vibration: using water vibrations - integrated science from underwater fauna and mutants (potential quirky and special game mechanic, echo, blending with water waves, vibrating granades that distrupt mutants and this system)
    • advanced thermal vision - thanks to advanced technology of enchanced thermal vision ability to see infrared underwater (normally not quite possible)
  5. Starting mission/spawining in game:
    • Starting inside elevator
    • Dropped somewere around randomly form a drop pod (hard to steer? hence randomness of position)
  6. Satnity level - despite your robotic body you still have your human brain, hence killing sentient robots that can be reasoned with is mentally heavy.
  7. Cool hacking system (TODO)
  • Multiplayer lore:

The rare mineral was found on other planets as well. Arms race continue, sending sentient robotic excavation groups to those planets. Goals can be the minerals itself but also sabotage missions to slow down the competition.

Planets are going to be the servers/rooms Teams (excavation groups) can be up to 4 players?

  • You can play coop PvE, team vs team, capture the base (CTF), deathmatch?
  • Since in multiplayer there is no normal game campain proggresion every player starts with some minimum gear so everyone can chose their role eg. tank, scout...
  • Concept inspiration:
    • Barotrauma - enviroment, horror
    • SOMA - sentient robots, sanity level
    • Hollow Knight - platforming
    • Cogmind - robot modularity, hacking
    • Helldivers - mutant bugs, respawning, multiplayer
    • Deep Rock Galactic - mutant bugs, spawning system, multiplayer
    • Don't starve? - sanity level
    • Teeworlds - grapling gun

Concept 1 - get out of submarine:

Team vs Team:
	2 Teams are divided in 2 parts of submarine
	Each team tries to get out of the submarine TOGETHER!
	Submarine is sinking becouse of some holes in some rooms
	In order to get out each team has to solve a "minigame"
		Kill a boss
		Avoid obstacles
	Every member has to decide which class he wants to play
		Hunter (DPS)
	While scavenging and sovling minigames each team can disturb progress of the other team

Concept 2 - underwater sea base:

	You are a proud owner of submarine which is also your home
	Inspire from (Barotrauma + Subnautica + Raft)
	Resource managment
	Repair submarine
	Fight off monsters

Concept 3 - Rogue-like with horror elements

	Rogue-like inspired by Spelunky, where you dive into horrors beneath water.
  -Lovecraft inspirations
  -intese experimence
  -great grapic and music
  -Things from concepts above I don't want to write, because I'm lazy.


Communication - voice chat?
