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Releases: evhub/coconut

Coconut v3.1.1

09 Jun 05:29
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See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

Language features:

  • #833: New case def syntax for more easily defining pattern-matching functions with many patterns.
  • #811: New f(name=) syntax as a shorthand for f(name=name), replacing the now deprecated f(...=name) syntax.
  • #836: New CoconutWarning built-in used for Coconut runtime warnings.

Compiler features:

  • #837: Coconut will now warn about implicit string concatenation and disable it completely with --strict.
  • #718: Coconut will now warn about use of addpattern def without a prior match def. This was a previously-supported feature to make pattern-matching functions with many patterns easier to write, but the new recommended way to do that is now via case def.
  • #785: Initial pyright support via the --pyright flag.


  • #839, #840: Fixed some f-string parsing issues.
  • #834: Fixed len of empty zip objects.
  • #830: Improved use of colored output.
  • #757: Improved PEP 695 support on Python 3.12.

Coconut v3.1.0

02 Mar 09:13
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See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

Language features:

  • #814: Changes to statement lambda scoping rules, including capturing names introduced in the surrounding expression.
  • #618: Changes to handling of pattern-matching function defaults including support for e.g. match def f(x, y=x) = (x, y).
  • #809: New array concatenation implicit partials (e.g. [. ; a]).
  • #823: New (x := .) implicit partial syntax (only available in pipes).
  • #807: New lift_apart built-in combinator.
  • #813: New (if) operator function.
  • #826 (thanks @JayXon!): Better universalization and fmap support for bytes and bytearray.
  • #816: Support for xarray to match existing numpy/pandas support.
  • #817: New to argument to all_equal.
  • #821 (thanks @GolfingSuccess!): Expanded implicit function application syntax to support string literal methods.

Compiler features:

  • #799: coconut-run and coconut --run now work on packages rather than just files.
  • #812: Better formatting of Coconut exceptions.


  • #810: Fixed an issue compiling certain syntax constructs in the Coconut Jupyter kernel.
  • #818, #825 (thanks @kg583, @dokutan!): Fixed parsing of different Unicode line break characters.
  • #822 (thanks @JayXon!): Fixed parsing of Unicode backward pipe operators.
  • #819, #820 (thanks @kg583!): Fixed some incompatibilities between Python and Coconut syntax.

Coconut v3.0.4

28 Nov 04:59
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This is primarily a bugfix release to resolve #804. See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

Language changes:

  • #784: where statements now use temporary variable names to limit the scope of contained assignments.
  • #795: New async_map function utilizing anyio to work with asyncio or trio.
  • #793: New mapreduce, collectby.using_threads, collectby.using_processes, mapreduce.using_threads, and mapreduce.using_processes built-ins.
  • #787: Support for .method[index] implicit partials.
  • #749, #792: Some built-ins have been renamed for clarity (the old names will still work unless --strict is passed). Specifically:
    • recursive_iterator -> recursive_generator
    • parallel_map -> process_map
    • concurrent_map -> thread_map
  • #797: Partial application objects now preserve the original function's __name__ attribute.
  • #789: Coconut will automatically backport ExceptionGroup using the exceptiongroup module.

Compiler changes:

  • #772: Substantial improvements to recompilation speed for most files.
  • #798: New api.find_packages and api.find_and_compile_packages utilities for working with Coconut packages.
  • #803: New --fail-fast option to fail upon the first error when compiling multiple files.
  • #778: The --history-file command-line option has been removed; use COCONUT_HISTORY_FILE environment variable if you really need it.


  • #804: Fixed an incompatibility with new cPyparsing versions.
  • #781, #794: Improved formatting for compilation errors/warnings.
  • #800: override now works in conjunction with classmethod and staticmethod.

Coconut v3.0.3

29 Jul 07:40
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See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

New features:

  • #738: New and_then and and_then_await built-ins for async function composition.

Language changes:

  • #763: Lambdas now support fat arrows (x => x) as an alternative to skinny arrows (x -> x) to better distinguish them from type annotations. Skinny arrow lambdas will be deprecated at some later date.
  • #756: Coconut now fully supports Python 3.12's enhanced f-string syntax on all targets.
  • #773: f-strings with no expressions in them (e.g. f"why does this have an f" will now show a warning by default and an error on --strict.

Compiler changes:

  • #761: --line-numbers are now on by default. Pass --no-line-numbers to turn them off.
  • #768 (thanks @kxmh42!): Automatic compilation now uses a cache directory rather than compiling files in-place; additionally, automatic compilation options can now be set via coconut-run.
  • #767: New --target psf support for targeting all versions not considered end-of-life.
  • #765 (thanks @rtbs-dev!): New coconut --jupyter install command for easily installing all Jupyter kernels added as an alternative to the existing coconut --jupyter syntax.
  • #766: Coconut now internally supports an incremental parsing mode that is used in some situations (e.g. in the Jupyter kernel) to substantially improve recompilation times.


  • #759 (thanks @Starwort!): multiset methods should now always return multisets when the arguments are all multisets rather than Counters.
  • #764 (thanks @koraa!): An issue that caused function definitions to take much longer to compile when compiling from the interpreter has now been fixed.
  • #762 (thanks @Starwort!): Semicolon-separated commands should now always work properly on xonsh.
  • #775: Coconut should no longer set the MYPYPATH to include the entire directory that Coconut has been installed into when running with --mypy.
  • #777: Docstrings should now show up properly in any third-party tools that look at Coconut's stub files.

Coconut v3.0.2

30 May 00:26
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See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

This is another patch release, mainly for #751 and #755.

New features:

  • #753: async with for loops provide a simple syntax for implementing the recommended pattern for handling async generators.

Language changes:

  • #752: typing imports will redirect to typing_extensions whenever possible to ensure you always get the latest implementation of typing objects on all versions.
  • #754: async generators and some related utilities will now be automatically backported to 3.5 via the async_generator library.
  • #748: Certain confusing Unicode operator alternatives removed.

Compiler changes:

  • #750: coconut.convenience renamed to coconut.api (coconut.convenience is still available as an alias for backwards compatibility).


  • #751: Coconut in xonsh will no longer throw an error in certain situations.
  • #755: Due to a documentation rendering issue, previous 3.0.x releases weren't getting their documentation rendered successfully.

Coconut v3.0.1

25 May 03:36
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See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

This is a patch release primarily aimed at fixing #746, though it also brings a couple of new features and other fixes as well.

New features:

  • #743: New f(...=long_name) syntax as a shorthand for f(long_name=long_name).
  • #744: f ..> g will now preserve the signature of f when inspected using inspect.signature.

Language changes:

  • #736: fmap will now raise TypeError rather than falling back to a default implementation when it encounters an unknown type. For backwards compatibility, the old behavior can be recovered with fmap$(fallback_to_init=True).
  • #737: fmap now works properly on multiset.


  • #746: Syntax errors produced when using Coconut's Jupyter kernel will now present themselves nicely rather than causing an error.
  • #745 (thanks @Starwort!): xonsh will no longer fail on semicolon-seperated commands when using the Coconut extension.
  • #739 (thanks @yggdr!): Compiling a single directory in --stand-alone mode will now properly make use of --jobs.
  • #742 (thanks @kloczek!): Fixed a deprecation warning when installing Coconut.

Coconut v3.0.0

02 May 02:23
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Coconut v3! See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

Note that v3 is a major version release that comes with some breaking changes, though Coconut will do its best to warn you if your code does anything that changed from v2 to v3.

Breaking changes:

  • #714: set patterns now work like dict patterns where they allow extra keys, such that {1, 2} will match {1, 2, 3}. To get back the strict behavior, use the {1, 2, 3, *()} pattern. Coconut will warn you if your code contains set patterns without an explicit strictness marker.
  • #707: the precedence of implicit function application has been changed to be compatible with implicit coefficients, such that f x**2 is now equivalent to f(x**2) rather than f(x)**2. Coconut will warn you if your code contains expressions with new precedence.
  • #733: .$[] will now only default to using an existing __getitem__ if the object is registered as a __iter_getitem__ will still always be used. Lets you do things like {"k": "v"}$[0].
  • #730: obj. syntax as a shorthand for getattr$(obj) deprecated.
  • #732: --jobs now defaults to sys rather than 0.

New features:

  • #707: New implicit coefficient syntax! Polynomials are just a x**2 + b x + c, with support for single variable names and numeric constants as coefficients.
  • #731: New copyclosure def functions that copy their closures on function creation, allowing them to e.g. hold on to loop variables.
  • #709: (+) syntax in a typing context now yields a typing.Protocol that requires supporting that operator.
  • #709: New &: operator for combining multiple typing.Protocol's into a single protocol.
  • #718 (thanks @yggdr!): You can now use addpattern def even if there's no existing function of that name, allowing you to use addpattern def for every pattern rather than having to use match def for the first one.
  • #727: New x |> await syntax for using await in pipes.
  • #734: Substantially improved pandas support.
  • #714: New frozenset and multiset patterns.


  • #725 (thanks @yggdr!): Fixed (in) operator function argument ordering.
  • #721 (thanks @yggdr!): is not and not in operator functions now supported.
  • #724 (thanks @Starwort!): Coconut no longer slows down xonsh loading and fixed xontrib unload coconut.
  • #726 (thanks @caedmon-kitty!): Fixed certain xonsh commands when using Coconut's xonsh plugin.
  • #723: dict now always functions as on the latest Python 3 on any Python version.
  • #728 (thanks @yggdr!): Fixed super compatibility across Python versions and some cases where super() wouldn't work.
  • #717 (thanks @kksgandhi!): Fixed coconut --jupyter qtconsole.

Coconut v2.2.0

30 Dec 20:32
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See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

Major changes:

  • #694: New multiset built-in based on collections.Counter, including new multiset literal syntax (m{1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4}).
  • #691: New Expected built-in based on Haskell's Either, plus new safe_call built-in that calls a function while collecting any errors into an Expected. Additionally, the of built-in has been renamed to call (of is still available as a deprecated alias when compiled without --strict).
  • #701: New windowsof built-in for iterating over sliding windows of the given iterable.
  • #688: New cartesian_product built-in as an enhanced version of itertools.product including numpy support.
  • #690: New cycle built-in as an enhanced version of itertools.cycle.
  • #704, #703, #702, #693, #692: Lots of improvements to existing built-ins:
    • map now supports a strict=True keyword-only argument that works as in zip.
    • flatten now supports a levels argument for how many levels to flatten.
    • groupsof now supports a fillvalue argument to pad the last group.
    • addpattern now accepts any number of pattern-matching functions.
    • memoize now accepts a function to memoize as the first argument.
  • #710: New None-aware function composition pipes (e.g. f ..?> g).

Minor changes:

  • #686: Type parameter bounds can (and should) now use <: syntax instead of : or <= (e.g. def f[T <: int[])(xs: T) -> T = ...).
  • #711: Backwards None-aware pipes now supported (e.g. <?|).
  • #708: Pattern-matching against data types with default arguments now allows those defaults to be elided in the match.
  • #697: :: now produces a reiterable object when called on reiterable objects.
  • #706: Multiple Coconut projects should now be able to seamlessly use each other's MatchErrors when compiled in --package mode.
  • #695: Set literal syntax now supports star unpacking.
  • #699: Support for __bool__ magic method fixed on Python 2.
  • #687: Jupyter kernel and other automatic compilations now uses --no-wrap.
  • #685, #684: Improved detection of code issues on and off --strict.
  • #700: Some confusing unicode alternatives were removed.
  • #698: Typing for fmap has been improved.
  • #689: Improved numpy support for some built-ins.
  • #705: Many Coconut built-ins have now been made weakrefable.

v2.1.1 [The Spanish Inquisition]

14 Nov 01:32
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v2.1.1 is a relatively small release on top of v2.1.0 primarily releasing now to provide Python 3.11 support, though v2.1.1 also has a couple of exciting new features, primarily Coconut's new type parameter syntax. See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.


  • #682: Coconut no longer errors out on Python 3.11.

Major changes:

  • #677: New type parameter syntax following PEP 695! For example: type a generic function as def ident[T](x: T) -> T = x.

Minor changes:

  • #679: Error and logging output is now colored on terminals that support it.
  • #678: Non-mypy type checkers should now have an easier time type-checking Coconut code.
  • #680: New async (...) -> ... and (..., **P) -> ... enhanced type annotation constructs for Callables following PEP 677.
  • #644: f = async def x -> x async statement lambda syntax now supported.
  • #624: x |> (.+1) syntax now produces better optimized compiled Python.
  • #681: case/match syntax now deprecated on --strict in favor of Python 3.10 match/case syntax.

v2.1.0 [The Spanish Inquisition]

25 Oct 03:13
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Though a small release relative to v2.0.0, v2.1.0 includes a couple of pretty exciting changes, most notably custom operators and substantial performance improvements. See Coconut's documentation for more information on all of the features listed below.

Major changes:

  • #4, #674: Coconut now supports custom operators! See the documentation for more information on how to declare, define, and use custom operators.
  • #147: Very substantial performance improvements (up to 100x) when compiling small quantities of code (e.g. at the interpreter, in Jupyter notebooks, when using xonsh, etc.). Compile times for large files should be unchanged.
  • #673: New multi_enumerate built-in for enumerating multi-dimensional arrays (e.g. numpy arrays).

Minor changes:

  • #385: Universalized imports no longer trigger mypy errors.
  • xonsh support updated to the latest xonsh version, should now be enabled by default without requiring xonsh install coconut, and should now be substantially faster.
  • #672: New in <expr> pattern for easier containment checking in pattern-matching.
  • #556: Coconut now respects NOQA/noqa comments when showing warnings for unused imports in --strict mode.