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Self Driving Car Nanodegree Project 5: Vehicle Detection

In this project, I wrote an image processing pipeline to detect vehicles in still images and video. The general process is as follows:

  1. Train a binary image classifier using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features from from vehicle and non-vehicle example images.
  2. Use a sliding window technique to search for vehicles in images at multiple scales.
  3. Create a heat map of the detected vehicle bounding boxes and estimate a single bounding box for each vehicle based on the heatmap.
  4. Extend the pipeline to a video stream, persisting the heatmaps from frame to frame with decay for smoother, more consistent detections.

Feature Extraction

Based on the examples in the lessons, I chose to use a combination of HOG and color features. I felt that spatial features were redundant with HOG and also likely to introduce overfitting to the specific images in the training set.

To extract HOG features, I used a get_hog_features() in, which is closely based on the example given in the lesson. It wraps SciKit Image's skimage.feature.hog function to reduce the number of parameters required. Like the lessons, I chose to use the YCrCb colorspace for this project. Because of the way YCrCb splits color channels, it separates luminance from color, which makes it good for feature detection. I chose to use all of the color channels for HOG feature extraction.

For the other HOG parameters (orientations, pixels_per_cell, cells_per_block), I initially tested the values used in the lesson, and I found that they worked well (~98% accuracy), so I decided not to change them.

For color feature data, I used a 32-bin histogram on each of the three channels. Because there are so many fewer color features than HOG features (96 vs 5292), I don't think the color features have a large impact on detections.

For spatial feature data, I used a 32x32 bin sample of all 3 channels. Since my HOG features and histogram are calculated form a 64x64 patch, this means that the bins are each 2x2 pixels. Using spatial features improved my classisifier's performance on the test set from 98% to 99%.

Here are the parameters that I ultimately used for feature extraction:

Parameter Value
Color Space YCrCb
Histogram Bins 32
Hog Orientations 9
Hog Pixels Per Cell 8
Hog Cells Per Block 2
Hog Channel All
Spatial Feature Bins 32 x 32

My feature extraction methods can be found in, but my processing pipeline uses whole-image methods for speed, as discussed below.


For this project, I chose to use a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM). Various background research has shown that SVM is a good compliment to HOG features, and my results concur.

I trained my classifier from the Udacity training sets of vehicles and non-vehicles using the included Python program, I was able to consistently achieve accuracy of about 98-99% on a test set consisting of a randomly selected 20% of the labeled data input. Before training the classifier, the data was scaled using a sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler fit to the training set, which scaled the data to zero mean and unit variance. To avoid having to retrain my classifier every time I run the program, I saved the classifier, parameters, and scaler to a Python pickle classifier.p to quickly load into the detection pipeline.

Image Processing -- Sliding Window Search

The processing pipeline is invoked from, but the processing code is in, which defines a Detector class. Detector is a callable that takes in an image and returns bounding boxes of probably vehicles using a three step pipeline:

  1. At multiple scales and ROIs, perform a sliding window search using the feature extractor and classifier.
  2. Draw the classifier "hits" (likely vehicle bounding boxes) onto a heatmap.
  3. Threshold the heatmap to reduce false-positives.
  4. Return bounding boxes of the thresholded heat map. then draws the bounding boxes from the Detector on the image and displays or saves it as requested.

To find cars in images, I used a sliding window search at multiple scales. Initially, I generated a set of windows and applied feature extraction to each one independently using the methods in, but I found that this method was far too slow, taking tens of seconds per image. Instead, I pre-computed the HOG image at each scale and slid the window over the HOG image for faster processing. Similarly, I binned the image at each scale for spatial features, although spatial feature calculation time is minimal compared to the HOG and histogram calculation. For the histogram calculateion, I used skimage.filters.rank.windowed_histogram to rapidly compute a sliding window histogram of the whole image at multiple scales. With these methods and well- chosen ROIs, I was able to process frames at about one every 2.4 seconds. A lot of the processing time is spent on a single scale--the 48 pixel size. This is a small patch that searches over a large area with a large overlap. That single scale makes up about 1 second out of the 2.4 second processing time, but without it, I was unable to detect the car in test image 3. For other scales, I balanced my overlap and scales to remain accurate while keeping processing time manageable. For small scales, I reduced the ROI and overlap to reduce the number of windows. For larger scales I was able to use larger ROIs and more overlap. The other scales I processed each took about 0.3 seconds per frame.

Ultimately, I decided on the following set of scales, overlaps, and ROIs:

Window Size Overlap ROI (x) ROI (y)
32 x 32 0.0 [320, 960) [396, 460)
48 x 48 0.5 [0, 1280) [360, 540)
64 x 64 * 0.5 [426, 853) [396, 648)
112 x 112 0.75 [0, 1280) [360, 630)
128 x 128 0.75 [0, 1280) [360, 630)

* This is the native size of the feature extractor

I took three steps to improve the reliability of the classifier. The first was that instead of using the prediction of the linear SVM, I used the distance of the feature vector from the decision boundary as a measure of "car-ness". Measurements with a distance of less than 0.3 were discarded as being too close to the borderline. This greatly reduced the false positives without an appreciable loss of true positive classifications. Next, I combined the detected windows into a heatmap. Initially, I simply incremented pixels inside the detection window, as demonstrated in the lesson. However, I found that this method overweights large vehicles, because they tend to have redundant detections at multiple scales. To reduce this, I weighted the detection windows in the heatmap by a factor inversely proportional to the area of the window. This way a large detection window has less influence on the heat map per pixel than a small detection window. I used a simple threshold of 2.25 to differentiate between "car" and "not-car" pixels, then used scipy.ndimage.measurements.label to group continuous sets of "car" pixels and drew bounding boxes around each. Finally, I rejected any bounding boxes smaller than 32x32 pixels, which could sometimes form as a result of partially- overlapping false positives. Using these methods, I was able to eliminate false positives on the test images, although some detection bounding boxes ended up being smaller than the cars they represented.

Video Processing

The output of the pipeline on the test video can be found here, and the output of the pipeline on the project video can be found here.

The main difference between the video pipeline and the single-image pipeline is the persistence of heatmaps. Instead of basing detections on a single frame's heatmap, the heatmaps are filtered together using an exponential filter with a smoothing factor of 0.25. This causes heat from previous frames to persist from frame to frame with exponential decay such that each frame's heatmap is weighted sum of 3/4 the previous frame's heatmap plus 1/4 the current frame's detections. This filters out jitter, but it also increases the accuracy of detections. Because cars cannot instantaneously jump from frame to frame, the heat from the previous frames provides more information that may not exist in the current frame due to lighting or other factors.


The two most serious issues I faced with this task are the actual shape of the output bounding boxes and the slowness of the search.

Many of the bounding boxes do not fully enclose the car they represent. It may be possible to improve the bounding boxes by reducing the heatmap threshold, but doing so often reintroduces false positives. It would be more desirable to have a classifier with fewer false positives and to rely less on heatmaps for reliability. I did not have time to explore other classifiers (or other features, such as Haar-like wavelet features) to see if any are more accurate at identifying cars. Current research suggests that a deep convolutional neural network approach would be the most effective, but this has the downside of requiring a GPU to operate at reasonable speed.

Currently, the speed of this method is unacceptably slow. As noted above, it can only process one frame every 2.4 seconds. In order to operate in real time on a vehicle, it would have to process a frame at least every 100 ms, or 24 times as fast as the current algorithm. Reimplementing this algorithm in C++ would probably yield an appreciable speed-up, and it may be possible to reduce the window size from 64 x 64 to 32 x 32, which would probably speed up the HOG and histogram calculate considerably. For further improvement, a GPU or FPGA implementation might be necessary. It may even be possible to achieve the desired speed using Tensor Flow.

Overall accuracy does not seem to be a major problem for this network. Changes in lighting and shadow, which are often vexing for image processing, don't seem to have a large effect. However, it's notable that there are no colored cars in any of the test images or video, and those might have very different feature responses.


Here are the results of running this processing pipeline on the test images:

Test Image 1

In test image test1.jpg, both cars are identified, although the bounding box on the white car is slightly small. Cars in the distance and behind the divider are not identified.

Test Image 2

In test image test2.jpg, there are no cars to identify. The car far off into the distance is too far away.

Test Image 3

In test image test3.jpg, the white car is identified, but the bounding box is a little small.

Test Image 4

In test image test4.jpg, both cars are identified. Cars in the distance and behind the divider are not identified.

Test Image 5

In test image test5.jpg, both cars are identified, although the bounding box on the white car is slightly small. Cars in the distance and behind the divider are not identified.

Test Image 6

In test image test6.jpg, both cars are identified, although the bounding box on the white car is slightly small. Cars in the distance and behind the divider are not identified.