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MailManager is a Ruby wrapper for the GNU Mailman mailing list manager. It exposes some administrative functions to Ruby. See the API docs for details. It is licensed under the New BSD License (see the LICENSE file for details).

MailManager has been tested with Mailman 2.1.14. It has NOT been tested with any release of Mailman 3 (in alpha as of 1/19/2011). It requires Python 2.4 or higher. Note that while Mailman itself requires Python, it can work with older versions. So check your Python version before using this.


gem install mailmanager

Basic Usage

mm = MailManager.init('/mailman/root')
all_lists = mm.lists
foo_list = mm.get_list('foo')
new_list = mm.create_list(:name => 'newlist', :admin_email => '', :admin_password => 'secret')
new_list.members -> ['']


Here are the basic steps for adding new features to this gem, if you’re a programmer type who likes to write code so you can code while you code… sorry.

MailManager’s API currently consists of a handful of methods at the top-level MailManager::Base class. This is where you’ll find create_list and get_list. These both return instances of MailManager::List, which is really where the action is.

MailManager::List contains the public Ruby API for interacting with Mailman’s lists. It exposes the methods and attributes of Mailman’s class, but makes them a bit more Ruby-ish where appropriate. Not every method / attribute is exposed, but this is where you come in, dear contributor.

The code that actually talks to Mailman is in lib/mailmanager/lib.rb. It runs scripts in Mailman’s bin directory. Anything that interacts with an existing list uses Mailman’s “withlist” script and the file in this gem. If you read the docs on withlist that come with Mailman, it should be pretty obvious what’s going on there. But you don’t need to understand all that to expose new methods & attributes of to MailManager.

Exposing new list properties works something like this:

  • Look at Mailman’s code in Mailman/ and see if the thing you want to expose is a method or an attribute. You’ll need to know a little Python, but not much. Basically, a method is a callable thing and an attribute is a simple property of the object. “AddMember” is a method, for example, while “description” is an attribute.

  • If it’s a method, just write a simple method in lib/mailmanager/list.rb that calls a method in lib.rb (just like the others do). Then go write the method that you call in lib/mailmanager/lib.rb, using list_address or add_member as an example (depending on whether you’re writing a getter or a setter, respectively).

  • All methods that interact with instances (i.e. mailing lists) use the withlist command, so just copy that stuff from an existing method.

  • If you’re exposing an attribute, then use the moderator methods as a guide. For example, they do their own dupe checking since the class will let you set the attribute to whatever you want. Dangerous!

  • If you’re writing a setter, you have one more chore to make it work. You need the code to lock the list and then save it after making your requested change. It will do this for you if you do the following:

    • For a method: Add the name of the method to the needs_save dict and have it return True. It should be obvious when you look at the others in there.

    • For an attribute: Add the name of the attribute to the needs_save_with_arg dict. This one is a bit different because the attr name is the same for gets and sets, but we need to lock and save when it’s a set, and we can guess that it’s a set when there is an argument passed, and a get when there is no argument. S-M-R-T

    • For a chain of attrs/methods: Huh? Look at lib.rb#add_moderator for an example. “moderator” is an array attribute of, and we want to append a new string to it. So our “command” to is “moderator.append” with the new moderator string as the argument. listproxy is smart enough to untangle that and get the moderator attribute and then call the append method on it with your argument. But, in order to tell it to lock and save the list for us, we must replace that dot in the name with an underscore in the needs_save key. That’s why we have “moderator_append=True” in the needs_save dict in So if you have a chain of attributes and methods to get at the thing you’re exposing, just replace the dots with underscores in the needs_save dict key and you’ll be all set.

That should get you started hacking on the gem. If you get stuck or are trying to do anything more complex, please feel free to e-mail me:


The RSpec suite should run out of the box with the ‘rake spec’ command. Feel free to open a GitHub issue if they do not.

You’ll need a local working installation of GNU Mailman 2.1.14 (or a later version of 2.1.x, probably) to run the Cucumber integration tests. Make a symlink to the root directory of your Mailman install in the mailmanager directory. It should be named “mailman”. So if you are in the top-level mailmanager directory and your Mailman installation is in /usr/local/mailman, you would run this command:

ln -s /usr/local/mailman mailman

Once that’s done, you should be able to just run ‘cucumber’ in the top-level mailmanager directory.

MAKE SURE THIS IS NOT A MAILMAN INSTALLATION YOU CARE ABOUT! The Cucumber test suite will start by deleting all mailing lists so it can have a clean slate to test with.


  • Fork on GitHub

  • Make a new branch

  • Commit your feature addition or bug fix to that branch.

  • Don’t mess with Rakefile, version.rb, or Changelog. (If you want to have your own version, that’s fine but bump version in its own commit so we can ignore it when we pull.)

  • Add tests for it. This is important so we don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Push your changes to that branch (i.e. not master)

  • Make a pull request

  • Bask in your awesomeness


  • Wes Morgan (cap10morgan on GitHub) <>

Copyright 2011 Democratic National Committee, All Rights Reserved.