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Build an image recognition pipeline in AWS, using two EC2 instances, S3, SQS, and Rekognition

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Programming Assignment 1
Author: Christian Carpena
Date: 03/10/2022

--AWS Steps
To setup the cloud environment and run this application in the cloud on 2 EC2s, 
follow the below steps.

First, you will need to login to your AWS Console through the AWS Educate Starter Account link.

--IAM Setup
Navigate to "IAM" -> "Access Management" -> "Policies". Find and select the following 3 policies:


--EC2 Setup [Perform for EC2_A and EC2_B]
Click on "Services" -> "EC2"
Click on "Instances" in the drop down "Instances" Section 
Click on "Launch Instances" -> "Launch Instancess" 
Select the "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-0b0af3577fe5e3532"  
Select the "t2.micro type (Free tier eligible)" 
Click "Next: Configure Instance Details"
	Ensure "Number of instances" is "1"
Click "Next: Add Storage"
Click "Next: Add Tags"
	Insert "EC2_A" under "Key" and "Value"
Click "Next: Configure Security Group"
	Click "Add Rule" to include the following and it will autofill:
	Under 'Source' drop down for each rule, select 'My IP'
Click "Review and Launch"
	Click on "Launch" after reviewing your information
	On the dialog that pops up, select "Create a new key pair" in the drop down
	Name it "EC2_A_CS643" 
	Hit "Download key pair." 
	Hit "Launch Instances"
	Hit "View Instances"
	You will probably see a status of "Pending" for the Instance State of each EC2. 
	While waiting for these to switch to "Running," open a terminal and move the .pem 
	file you downloaded to your home directory. exit

--Run the following command to set the correct permissions for the .pem file:
	$ chmod 400 EC2_A_CS643.pem

--Connect to your EC2 instances (after they have started running), 
Run the following command in your terminal (replacing <YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS> with 
the "Public IPv4 DNS" attribute of either EC2 instance):
	$ ssh -i "~/cs643.pem" ec2-user@<YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS>
After you have connected, run the following commands to update Java from 1.7 to 1.8 on the EC2:
	$ sudo yum install java-1.8.0-devel
	$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
Upon running the second command, you should enter the number that corresponds to 
	java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 (/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
	**You will need to complete this step on BOTH EC2's.
--Credentials Setup [Access and Secret Keys]
	Click on "Services" -> "IAM"
	On the left tab side, under "Access Management" -> "Users"
	Click on user created (e.g. carpenawashere)
	Open the "Security credentials" tab, and then choose "Create access key"
	To see the new access key, choose "Show". Your credentials resemble the following:
		Access key ID: AKIAQB2SHQLRR6NF57M5
		Secret access key: 73IWqwYi2nyPG0f16AnCjDARbBPK3zS6Uuts+p8i
	To download the key pair, choose 'Download .csv' file. 
	Store the .csv file with keys in a secure location.

--SSH into both EC2's that you created in the previous step, and on each 
one, create a file:
	$mkdir .aws
	$touch .aws/credentials
	$vi .aws/credentials
	**Paste those copied credentials into the credential file on each EC2 as follows:
	aws_access_key_id= THI5I5NOTTH3ACCE55K3Y  
	aws_secret_access_key= THI5I5NOTTH3S3CR3TACCE55K3Y
	**Note: You will need to re-copy and paste these credentials onto both EC2's whenever 
	they change (after your session ends).

--Java/Git Installation
If you do not have an up-to-date version of Java or Maven installed on your local machine, run the following commands locally:
	$sudo yum install openjdk-11-jre-headless
	$sudo yum install openjdk-11-jdk-headless
	$sudo /usr/bin/dnf install git

--Running the application
In the terminal on your local machine, run the following commands to retrieve the GitHub Repository of the JAR files to be used for the 2 EC2 Instances.
	$ git clone

--SSH into EC2-B and run the following command:
	$ java -jar CS643-AWS-ProgAssgn-1/CarText/CarText.jar
	**This will begin running the code for text recognition. However, since it depends on items in the SQS queue 
	to process, it will simply wait until we begin running the car recognition code. To begin running the car 
	recognition code. 
--SSH into EC2-A and run the following command:
	$ java -jar CS643-AWS-ProgAssgn-1/CarRecognize/CarRecognize.jar
Now, both programs will be running simultaneously. The program on EC2-A is processing all images in the S3 bucket (njit-cs-643) and sending the indexes of images that 
include cars to EC2-B through SQS, which in turn is processing these images to find out which ones include text as well. Finally, once both programs have finished running, 
you will find a file named output.txt on EC2-B in the home directory. This output file will display the indexes of images that contained both cars and text, along with the 
associated text from each image.


Build an image recognition pipeline in AWS, using two EC2 instances, S3, SQS, and Rekognition







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