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The HomeAlarmProject is an open source end-to-end solution for building a home alarm system, leveraging low costs hardware and software. It was a funny personal project and so I decided to share it with the community, hoping someone could find it useful :)

The solution is based on 3 macro-components:

  • An ESP32 device for processing signals from home sensors and communicating to the cloud
  • AWS Services for inbound/outbound communication and for alarm triggering logics
  • An Android Mobile App as a very simple User Interface for Monitoring and Controlling


AWS Setup

In the aws folder you'll find some cloudformation scripts to provision all AWS resources. However, there's still a manual step you should execute from the AWS Console, which is related to the creation of the IOT-Certificates. This can be done within the AWS Console, under the "AWS IoT -> Security -> Certificates" section. From there, you must:

  1. Create a new Certificate (use autogenerated recommended approach)
  2. Download the 3 certificate files (Thing Private RSA KEY, Thing Certificate, Root CA)
  3. Take also note of the Thing Certificate name because you'll need it later

Development Tools

Here there are the main tools you'll need to build and run the solution

  • VSCode + Arduino Extension
    To build and program the ESP32 device, you have at least a couple of options (Arduino official IDE vs VSCode). I have used Visual Studio Code with the Arduino extension without any issues, so this is my suggested configuration
  • Serverless Framework
  • AWS CLI with proper profile configured
  • Android Studio
  • An android device with developer tools turned-on


01 - AWS Services Setup

Follow instructions from here

02 - Build and deploy the Esp32 program

Follow instructions from Here

03 - Build and deploy the Android App

Follow instructions from Here


The Home Alarm Project







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