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breaking change ⚠️
breaking change :warning:
Can break some existing functionality
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Documentation related
duplicate ✋
duplicate :hand:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 🆕
enhancement :new:
New feature or request
fingerprint data 🚗
fingerprint data :car:
Fingerprint data provided
good first issue 👍
good first issue :+1:
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🙋‍♂️
help wanted :raising_hand_man:
Extra attention is needed
home assistant 🖥️
home assistant :desktop_computer:
Related to Home Assistant functionality
invalid 🙅‍♂️
invalid :no_good_man:
This doesn't seem right
library 🗃️
library :card_file_box:
Related to this library
pinned ⛏️
pinned :pick:
Pinned issue
question ❓
question :question:
Further information is requested
security 🔒
security :lock:
Security issue
stale 🤖
stale :robot:
Used by Probot
todo 🗒️
todo :spiral_notepad:
For the todo list
waiting for user feedback ⏱️
waiting for user feedback :stopwatch:
Issue or question not fully clear and waiting for more info
wontfix 🚫
wontfix :no_entry_sign:
This will not be worked on