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Currency input testing and research

Tim Paul edited this page Dec 8, 2017 · 5 revisions

The currency input component helps users enter an amount of money in a specified currency.

Image of currency input component

User research

We carried out research lab sessions in autumn 2017 with various different types of users. All users knew to enter the data in numbers and without the addition of a currency symbol.

Currency symbols that were tested

The component has been lab tested with the currency symbol for pound sterling. In addition, it has been developer tested with the euro currency symbol where the unit precedes the input.

Devices tested on:

  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari (desktop) - latest version at the time of writing
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge 14, 15
  • Android Galaxy S8, Pixel 8, Nexus 7: Chrome and Firefox
  • iPhone 6, iPhone 5s: Safari, Chrome


The currency input component announces to screen reader users that they should enter the value in pound sterling. The currency symbol itself is not announced.

Assistive technology that the component has been tested with:

  • Jaws 14/15 + IE11 + Windows 7
  • Jaws 17/18 + IE11 + Windows 10
  • NVDA + Firefox (latest version at time of writing) + Windows 10
  • VoiceOver + Safari + iOS 10.3.2 + iPhone 5s
  • VoiceOver + Safari + Mac OS 10.11.6
  • Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13