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[Zengo X]

Threshold cryptography for blockchains. Projects with "city" in name are work in progress.


  1. multi-party-ecdsa multi-party-ecdsa Public

    Rust implementation of {t,n}-threshold ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm).

    Rust 942 308

  2. multi-party-bls multi-party-bls Public

    Threshold BLS signatures in Rust

    Rust 67 17

  3. mpc-over-signal mpc-over-signal Public

    Secure transport for running MPC protocols backed by Signal

    Rust 60 11

  4. curv curv Public

    Rust language general purpose elliptic curve cryptography.

    Rust 265 109

  5. class class Public

    Rust library for building IQC: cryptography based on class groups of imaginary quadratic orders

    C 61 31

  6. awesome-tss awesome-tss Public

    A curated list of distributed key generation and threshold signatures implementations

    259 47


Showing 10 of 122 repositories


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