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f: Breaking Change
f: Breaking Change
This is a breaking change and needs a major version release
f: Help wanted
f: Help wanted
f: Won't Do
f: Won't Do
Not in the scope of this project
o: BSD
o: BSD
A BSD exclusive issue
o: MacOS
o: MacOS
A MacOS exclusive issue
o: Windows
o: Windows
A Windows OS exclusive issue
s: Client
s: Client
This issue touches the pueue client
s: Daemon
s: Daemon
This issue touches pueue daemon
s: Pueue-lib
s: Pueue-lib
This issue touches the pueue-lib library
s: Utils/Misc/Tooling
s: Utils/Misc/Tooling
Anything that doesn't involve Pueue directly
t: Dependencies
t: Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
t: Discussion
t: Discussion
t: Enhancement
t: Enhancement
Something that exists, but could be made better
t: Feature
t: Feature
A new feature that needs implementation
t: Technical debt
t: Technical debt
Technical debt that needs to be addressed