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Running API Umbrella in Windows on Vagrant 1.0.5

GUI edited this page Dec 11, 2012 · 1 revision

For Windows Users Only: As of Vagrant 1.0.5, there's currently a bug with Vagrant on Windows that will prevent your local development environment from properly building (see Fix Windows shell provisioning). This should be fixed in the next release of Vagrant, but in the meantime, you can work around this issue by following these steps:

  1. After cloning api-umbrella, comment out lines 48-50 in your Vagrantfile (the lines beginning with config.vm.provision :shell).
  2. Proceed by running vagrant up (this can take ~20 minutes to complete, but you should see steady progress printed to the screen).
  3. After that finishes, run vagrant ssh. Once logged in, run sudo mkdir -p /srv/sites && sudo chown vagrant /srv/sites
  4. Continue with the rest of the steps outlined after the vagrant ssh command in the README instructions.

The other side effect of this problem is that if you ever halt your Vagrant box and start it up again, you'll likely need to run these commands:

$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo /etc/init.d/haproxy restart
$ sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

However, those commands should not be necessary if you suspend and resume the Vagrant VM (only when halted and started up again).