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Repository files navigation


Setup Instructions

initalise npm npm init -y

install typescript npm install typescript --save-dev

install dependencies npm i knex mysql2 dotenv express @types/express @types/node rimraf

create knexfile.ts npx knex init -x ts

create table npx knex migrate:make <migration_file_name>

migrate table to mysql database npm run migrate or npx knex migrate:latest

Account routes

Method Endpoint (http://localhost:8080) Request Body Description
GET /api/accounts / Retrieve list of all users
GET /api/accounts/:discord_id / Retrieve all Riot and Steam accounts of the user
POST /api/accounts { discord_id: string, tag: string } Create a new user account
GET /api/accounts/riot/is_duplicate { discord_id: string , riot_id: string } Return true if there's a duplicate Riot account
POST /api/accounts/riot/add { discord_id: string, riot_id: string, region: string, rank: string, active: boolean } Create a new Riot account
POST /api/accounts/steam/add
GET /api/accounts/riot/get/:discord_id / Retrieve all Riot accounts of the user
PATCH /api/accounts/riot/select { discord_id: string , riot_id: string } Set the selected Riot account active
GET /api/accounts/steam/get/:discord_id / Retrieve all Steam accounts of the user
PATCH /api/accounts/steam/select { discord_id: string , steam_id: string } Set the selected Steam account active
DELETE /api/accounts/riot/delete { discord_id: string , riot_id: string } Delete the selected Riot Account
DELETE /api/accounts/steam/delete { discord_id: string , steam_id: string } Delete the selected Steam Account

Valorant routes

Method Endpoint (http://localhost:8080) Request Body Description
GET /api/valorant/active/get/:discord_id / Retrieve an active riot account
PATCH /api/valorant/active/update { discord_id: string, rank: number } Update a riot account information