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TrackIt - Task Management Application

TrackIt is a feature-rich and intuitive task management application designed to help you organize your projects and tasks.


TrackIt offers the following features:

Project Management

  • Create Projects: Start by creating projects with unique names and icons.
  • Remove Projects: Delete projects when they are no longer needed. Note that removing a project also removes its associated tasks.
  • Edit Projects: Change the name and icon of your projects, and the tasks' project name will be automatically updated to reflect the changes.

Task Management

  • Create Tasks: Within each project, you can create tasks with titles, due dates, priorities, descriptions, and notes.
  • Remove Tasks: Remove tasks that are completed or no longer relevant.
  • Edit Tasks: Modify task details, such as titles, due dates, priorities, descriptions, and notes.
  • Complete Tasks: Mark tasks as completed with a simple toggle.
  • Expand Task Details: Expand task boxes to view more details, including project name, priority, description, and notes.

Group and Filter Tasks

  • Group Tasks: Tasks are organized into built-in groups such as All, Today, Week, Completed, and Overdue. You can also select any of the project to view its associated task.
  • Create Tasks in Project Groups: You can create tasks within the selected project group.
  • Filter Tasks: Use filtering options to group tasks by priority flags (high, medium, normal) and status flags (overdue, ongoing, completed).
  • Sort Tasks: Sort tasks by date, status, or priority with the ability to toggle between ascending and descending order.

Getting Started

  1. Open the file in your web browser.
  2. Start organizing your projects and tasks. CRITICAL: Avoid storing sensitive data in the application as it relies on local storage, which is an insecure method for safeguarding the information.


TrackIt is a standalone web application built with the following tools. with no external dependencies.

  • Languages: Javascript, HTML, CSS;
  • Tools: Git, Webpack;
  • Libraries: date-fns, Lodash;



For any questions, feedback, or support, please contact at