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A great starter portfolio people can use, change or even completely rewrite.

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A Portfolio Template

Whilst working on different projects throughout your life, you might want/need a place to place information about yourself in a clean organized place that looks nice and most importantly, FREE & OPEN SOURCE! Here is the solution to your problemo, and I'll teach you how to use it!

Download & Setup

First download the source code. Then you will need to change the .env file, THIS IS IMPORTANT because if you don't you won't be able to change your name or EmailJS properties.

Basic Usage and Changing The ENV:

The basic usage of this template is changing the name, Github dev link & EmailJS config inside the .env file. The .env file will look like this:

The ENV file is a Typescript file as the original .env file did not work with github pages. So .env is in reality src/ENV.ts and you will have to rename the src/_ENV.ts to just src/ENV.ts Beside that everything else is the same,

    const langs:any = [
        "LANG A",
        "LANG B",
        "LANG C",
        "LANG D",

    export const env = {
        VITE_LANGS: langs,

Basic Editing Of Name, Username & GithubAPI Link:

You can copy this into your .env or change the name of your _.env to .env, Then you can change the different variables in your env file.

If you have Node or NPM Installed you can run npm run dev inside the folder to see your website which is required to publish the website.

For the env variable VITE_GITHUBAPI= change USERNAME to your GitHub username.

For the env variable VITE_NAME= change FIRST LAST to your First and Last name or remove FIRST LAST to any name that you want the webpage to be named and the typewriter effect on page one.

Username & Langs

For the Username just change the Username part to your github username, so From: VITE_GITHUBNAME:"USERNAME" to VITE_GITHUBNAME:"MYREALUSERNAME"

And for languages, you would want to add, change, or remove programming languages and frameworks aswell as engines on to it. For example:

    const langs:any = [
        "LANG A",
        "LANG B",
        "LANG C",
        "LANG D",

Can change to:

    const langs:any = [
        "Unreal Engine 4",

This can also be any size like a single language, or many languages/frameworks.


First up, sign up for Email.JS on their website. Once you sign up and complete the Email verification, go to their dashboard.

Service ID:

Once there you will see the Email Services screen. create a new service with your email service provider. I use Gmail so I clicked on Gmail and connected my account. Once you connect your service account and complete that, you should copy the Service ID and paste it in as a value for the .env variable named VITE_EMAILJSSERVICEKEY=.

Public Key:

Go to the account section of the dashboard, Find your Public Key and paste it into the .env variable named VITE_EMAILJSPUBLICKEY=

Email Template + Template ID

On the dashboard, there is a section named Email Templates. Here is where you can edit how your email looks like when its sent to you. For the subject line copy and paste the following:

Contact From {{user_name}}

Change the to Email & From contact to your email and name respectively.

Next, change the content to the following as well:

Return Email: {{user_email}}

You got a new message from {{user_name}}:


After you complete that, save the template and either copy or write down the TemplateID by going to the previous page or clicking here. Then change the VITE_EMAILJSTEMPLATEID inside the .env file. VITE_EMAILJSTEMPLATEID=.

Advanced Editing

Everything is writing in React, so once you download it and have NPM installed, type npm run dev inside the terminal to test the code. It will give you a link to your locally ran website, which typically at,

If npm run dev is not working you either have to download NODEJS and/or node package manager, (NPM) or install the dependencies for the website by running npm i or npm install which will install everything inside package.json.

If you know how to use React.JS then you'll be just fine, If not find a tutorial. This app is also used in VITE so packaging your app a slightly different.

Inside the src folder there are components and pages. Compoenents are the things that work for everysingle page, IE: the nonexistent Navbar and the Scroll mechanic.

The pages folder inside the src folder are for each page. AboutMe,Contact,Home, and the Github Frameworks pages are all locaed inside src/pages.

Building & Packaging

As long as .github folder is safe and located inside your repo, whenever you run npm run build and make a commit and push to github, it will automaticly commit the dist folder to a new branch named gh-pages,

On, On the left pannel click on the pages button and select Deploy from a page, select the branch on root and click Save. In a little bit your github page should be active on

If your Github repo is not named portfollio you will get an error, Inside vite.config.ts change the base from "/portfollio/" to whatever your repo is named

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'

export default defineConfig({
  base: '/portfollio/',
  plugins: [react()]

Updates & Fixes

Some minor updates and fixes I'll be working on are the following:

  • Phone / Mobile Support,
  • Delay on scroll for Trackpad Support,

That's Basically It, Enjoy this Free & Open to use Site.

Update #1 [10/4/2022]

Removed buggy Frameworks Page Replaced It With A Grid Page Filled With 'Experience' Page.

In order to change the words in the experience page, just open the file located in src/pages/Experience/Experience.tsx and Change the arguments for each of the createElement functions.

Examples Below:

        {desc: "DESC WITH LINK", link: "LINK"},


There is a hidden perameter that gives the child middle priority. It makes sure that its taller than all other children. Taking up 100% Row size

You can also change the exp.modules.css file for colors and others, Another Day, Another Great Update 😂