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Serves a single merged OpenAPI spec based on any number of OpenAPI specs defined under paths in values.yaml.

Includes a node service with three endpoints:

  • GET /api-docs to access the merged API spec
  • /swagger to view the merged API spec in Swagger
  • POST /set-api-docs to set the merged API spec

The merge is automated via a Helm CronJob. that runs openapi-merge-cli then posts the merged doc to set-api-docs every minute.

Getting started

openapi-merger can be run in a similar way to most nodejs applications. First install required dependencies using npm:

npm install

And run the application in development mode with:

npm run dev

Or run tests with:

npm test

Environment Variables

openapi-merger is configured primarily using environment variables as follows:

variable required default description
LOG_LEVEL N info Logging level. Valid values are [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
PORT N 80 Port on which the service will listen
API_DOCS_FILE_PATH N ./api-docs.json Location of the api-docs file on the filesystem
API_PUBLIC_URL_PREFIX N `` Public prefix to prepend for accessing api-docs