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Repository files navigation


This is an android View widget that creates a custom settings screen based on a YAML.

The YAML file describes how to draw the settings but doesn't contain values for them, which means your app code has to:

  • storing and retrieving settings from disk
  • syncing with the server
  • populating the generated view with values

(Those tasks may become more automatic in future versions of this library. File an issue if you start working on one of them.)


This is a screenshot of the app in the YamlSample folder.


quick how-to

  • in your build.gradle (change v0.* below to newest tag):
repositories {
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.abe-winter:yaml-settings:v0.0.2'
  • in res/raw/settings.yaml, create something like:
# todo: need better docs for this
- type: group
  name: your_info
  - type: email
    name: email
    description: "We use your email to communicate with you, but don't share it with other users."
  - {type: text, name: display_name}
- {type: image, name: profile_picture}
- type: group
  name: connect_with
  - type: radio
    name: kind
    options: ["Singles", "Professionals", "Community"]
- type: stringlist
  name: locations
  description: Add postal code
- type: group
  name: email_preferences
    - type: switch
      name: match
      description: "Email when someone accepts a match (at most once daily)."
    - type: switch
      name: terms
      description: "Email when there's a security notice or a change in our terms."
  • in your view XML
  • notes on view XML
    • app:yamlRawId has to match the res/raw/whatever.yml file you created
    • app:strListDelIcon has to be a drawable in your project. Leave it out if your yaml file doesn't use the StringList widget
    • the android:id field attr is optional; you use it to access
  • access the settings in a Fragment/Activity:
public class SettingsFragment extends Fragment implements SettingsCallback {
    public SettingsFragment() {}

    // example populating a settings screen with different types from JSON
    void ondataload(JSONObject reply) throws JSONException {
        Map<String, View> view_lookup = ((YamlSettings)getView().findViewById(;
        JSONObject body = reply.getJSONObject("body");
        for (Iterator<String> it=body.keys(); it.hasNext();){
            String key =;
            if (!view_lookup.containsKey(key)){
                Log.e(TAG, "unk settings key "+key);
            if (body.isNull(key)) continue;
            switch (key){
                case "profile_picture":{
                    byte[] bytes = Base64.decode(body.getString(key), Base64.DEFAULT);
                    ((ImageSel)view_lookup.get(key)).m_img.setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length));
                case "locations":{
                    StringList sl = (StringList) view_lookup.get(key);
                    JSONArray arr = body.getJSONArray(key);
                    for (int i=0;i<arr.length();++i) sl.addElt(getContext(), arr.getString(i));
                case "connect_with.kind":{
                    // radio
                    // todo: this is horrible. the indexes are going to change
                    int index = Arrays.asList("Singles", "Professionals", "Community").indexOf(body.get(key));
                case "email_preferences.match":
                case "email_preferences.terms":{
                    // boolean switch
                default: {

    public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // set listener on the YamlSettings instance.
        // Doesn't have to be in onActivityCreated, but needs to be after views have been inflated.
        ((YamlSettings)getView().findViewById( = this;

    // callbacks from SettingsCallback interface
    public void btnclick(View sview, View v, SettingsNode node){}
    public void textchange(View sview, Editable e, String group, String name, String value) {}
    public void radiochange(View sview, CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked, String group, String name, String option){}
    public void switchchange(View sview, CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked, String group, String name){}
    public void listadd(StringList sl, String name, String val) {}
    public void listrm(StringList sl, final View elt, final String name, final String val) {}
    public void pickimage(ImageSel sel, String name) {}


(see above)

(todo: best example would be a working app)




  • screenshots
  • better docs
  • api/sync logic