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Repository files navigation

Android News

Clean architecture sample in android.
The app is a simple news articles adapter using data from a external api,
it persists articles for offline use.

The user can:
(a) view article in browser
(b) fetch more articles by pull-to-refresh
(c) delete unwanted articles by swiping


The application consists of 4 layers:

Layer Contains
Presentation User interface, presentation logic and navigation
Domain Entities, interactors and repository definitions
Data Repository implementations and data source definitions
Framework Data source implementations, dependency injection, others

android architecture


type libraries
ui recyclerview, swiperefreshlayout, viewmodel
di dagger.hilt
persistence room
network retrofit, moshi
browser chrome.customtabs
async kotlinx.coroutines, flow, stateflow
test androidx.test, robolectric, mockk, espresso, truth, mockwebserver


  • instrumented e2e tests
  • more features...?