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Most popular & widely deployed Open Source Container Native Storage platform for Stateful Persistent Applications on Kubernetes.


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Welcome to OpenEBS

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OpenEBS is a modern Block-Mode storage platform, a Hyper-Converged software Storage System and virtual NVMe-oF SAN (vSAN) Fabric that is natively & tightly integrated into the core of Kubernetes.

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If you have questions about using OpenEBS, please use the CNCF Kubernetes OpenEBS slack channel, it is open for anyone to ask a question

Get in touch with our team.

Vishnu Attur :octocat: @avishnu Admin, Maintainer
Abhinandan Purkait 😎 @Abhinandan-Purkait Maintainer
Niladri Halder πŸš€ @niladrih Maintainer
Ed Robinson 🐢 @edrob999   CNCF Primary Liason Special Maintainer
Tiago Castro ⚑ @tiagolobocastro   Admin, Maintainer
David Brace ⭐ @orville-wright     Admin, Maintainer


OpenEBS provides...

  • Stateful persistent Dynamically provisioned storage volumes for Kubernetes
  • High Performance NVMe-oF storage access optimized for All-Flash Solid State storage media
  • Block devices, LVM, ZFS, ext2/ext3/ext4, XFS, BTRFS...and more
  • 100% Cloud-Native K8s declarative storage platform
  • A cluster-wide vSAN block-mode fabric that provides containers/Pods with HA resilient access to storage across the entire cluster.
  • Node local K8s PV's and n-way Replciated K8s PV's
  • Deployable On-premise & in-cloud: (AWS EC2/EKS, Google GCP/GKE, Azure VM/AKS, Oracle OCI, IBM/RedHat OpenShift, Civo Cloud, Hetzner Cloud... and more)
  • Enterprise Grade data management capabilities such as snapshots, clones, replicated volumes, DiskGroups, Volume Groups, Aggregates, RAID

openEBS has 2 Editions:

1. STANDARD βœ”οΈ > Ready Player 1
2. LEGACY ⚠️ Game Over

Within STANDARD, you have a choice of 2 Types of K8s Storage Services. Replicated PV and Local PV.

Type Storage Engine Type of data services Status In OSS ver
Replicated_PV Replicated data volumes (in a Cluster wide vSAN block mode fabric)
Replicated PV Mayastor Mayastor for High Availability deploymemnts distributing & replicating volumes across the cluster Stable, deployable in PROD
Local PV Non-replicated node local data volumes (Local-PV has multiple variants. See below) v4.0.1
Local PV Hostpath Local PV HostPath for integration with local node hostpath (e.g. /mnt/fs1) Stable, deployable in PROD
Local PV ZFS Local PV ZFS for integration with local ZFS storage deployments Stable, deployable in PROD
Local PV LVM2 Local PV LVM for integration with local LVM2 storage deployments Stable, deployable in PROD
Local PV Rawfile Local PV Rawfile for integration with Loop mounted Raw device-file filesystem Stable, deployable in PROD, undergoing evaluation & integration
release: v0.70

STANDARD (Open Source Standard) is our Ultra modern Datastore stack that is strongly aligned with the cutting edge direction of storage use-cases in the K8s industry. It is designed to facilitate modern K8s datastore architectures, key K8s I/O patterns, K8s data access methods, K8s data use-cases and where K8s Datastore applications are heading.

STANDARD is optimized for NVMe and SSD Flash storage media, and integrates ultra modern cutting-edge high performance storage technologies at its core...

β˜‘οΈ Β  It uses the High performance SPDK storage stack - (SPDK is an open-source NVMe project initiated by INTEL)
β˜‘οΈ Β  The hyper modern IO_Uring Linux Kernel Async polling-mode I/O Interface - (fastest kernel I/O mode possible)
β˜‘οΈ Β  Native abilities for RDMA and Zero-Copy I/O
β˜‘οΈ Β  NVMe-oF TCP Block storage Hyper-converged data fabric
β˜‘οΈ Β  Block layer volume replication
β˜‘οΈ Β  Logical volumes and Diskpool based data managment
β˜‘οΈ Β  a Native high performance Blobstore
β˜‘οΈ Β  Native Block layer Thin provisioning
β˜‘οΈ Β  Native Block layer Snapshots and Clones

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OpenEBS is the most widely deployed and easy to use open-source storage solution for Kubernetes.

OpenEBS is the leading open-source example of a category of cloud native storage solutions sometimes called Container Attached Storage. OpenEBS is listed as an open-source example in the CNCF Storage White Paper under the hyperconverged storage solutions.

Some key aspects that make OpenEBS different compared to other traditional storage solutions:

  • Built using the micro-services architecture like the applications it serves. OpenEBS is itself deployed as a set of containers on Kubernetes worker nodes. Uses Kubernetes itself to orchestrate and manage OpenEBS components.
  • Built completely in userspace making it highly portable to run across any OS/platform.
  • Completely intent-driven, inheriting the same principles that drive the ease of use with Kubernetes.
  • OpenEBS supports a range of storage engines so that developers can deploy the storage technology appropriate to their application design objectives. Distributed applications like Cassandra can use the LocalPV engine for lowest latency writes. Monolithic applications like MySQL and PostgreSQL can use the ZFS engine (cStor) for resilience. Streaming applications like Kafka can use the NVMe engine Mayastor for best performance in edge environments. Across engine types, OpenEBS provides a consistent framework for high availability, snapshots, clones and manageability.


OpenEBS itself is deployed as just another container on your host and enables storage services that can be designated on a per pod, application, cluster or container level, including:

  • Automate the management of storage attached to the Kubernetes worker nodes and allow the storage to be used for Dynamically provisioning OpenEBS Replicated or Local PVs.
  • Data persistence across nodes, dramatically reducing time spent rebuilding Cassandra rings for example.
  • Synchronous replication of volume data across availability zones improving availability and decreasing attach/detach times for example.
  • A common layer so whether you are running on AKS, or your bare metal, or GKE, or AWS - your wiring and developer experience for storage services is as similar as possible.
  • Backup and Restore of volume data to and from S3 and other targets.

An added advantage of being a completely Kubernetes native solution is that administrators and developers can interact and manage OpenEBS using all the wonderful tooling that is available for Kubernetes like kubectl, Helm, Prometheus, Grafana, Weave Scope, etc.

Our vision is simple: let storage and storage services for persistent workloads be fully integrated into the environment so that each team and workload benefits from the granularity of control and Kubernetes native behaviour.

Roadmap (as of Jan 2024)

OpenEBS is 100% open source software. The project source code is spread across multiple repos and covers multiple projects:

Our main Roadmap is focused exclusively on the modern (STANDARD Edition) Data-Engine Mayastor. It does not define any net-new features or capabilities for any LEGACY projects or projects that are tagged & defined as DEPRECATED or ARCHIVED. Currently those projects are defined as the follows (see references above for the details on the projects DEPRECATED and ARCHIVAL strategy)...

  • Jiva
  • cStor
  • NFS-Provisioner

**MayaStor Roadmap 2024 Roadmap


OpenEBS can scale to include an arbitrarily large number of containerized storage controllers. Kubernetes is used to provide fundamental pieces such as using etcd for inventory. OpenEBS scales to the extent your Kubernetes scales.

Installation and Getting Started

OpenEBS can be set up in a few easy steps. You can get going on your choice of Kubernetes cluster by having open-iscsi installed on the Kubernetes nodes and running the openebs-operator using kubectl.

Start the OpenEBS Services using operator

# apply this yaml
kubectl apply -f

Start the OpenEBS Services using helm

helm repo update
helm install --namespace openebs --name openebs stable/openebs

You could also follow our QuickStart Guide.

OpenEBS can be deployed on any Kubernetes cluster - either in the cloud, on-premise or developer laptop (minikube). Note that there are no changes to the underlying kernel that are required as OpenEBS operates in userspace. Please follow our OpenEBS Setup documentation.


OpenEBS is one of the most widely used and tested Kubernetes storage infrastructures in the industry. A CNCF Sandbox project since May 2019, OpenEBS is the first and only storage system to provide a consistent set of software-defined storage capabilities on multiple backends (local, nfs, zfs, nvme) across both on-premise and cloud systems, and was the first to open source its own Chaos Engineering Framework for Stateful Workloads, the Litmus Project, which the community relies on to automatically readiness assess the monthly cadence of OpenEBS versions. Enterprise customers have been using OpenEBS in production since 2018.

The status of various storage engines that power the OpenEBS Persistent Volumes are provided below. The key difference between the statuses are summarized below:

  • alpha: The API may change in incompatible ways in a later software release without notice, recommended for use only in short-lived testing clusters, due to increased risk of bugs and lack of long-term support.
  • beta: Support for the overall features will not be dropped, though details may change. Support for upgrading or migrating between versions will be provided, either through automation or manual steps.
  • stable: Features will appear in released software for many subsequent versions and support for upgrading between versions will be provided with software automation in the vast majority of scenarios.
Storage Engine Status Details
Jiva stable Best suited for running Replicated Block Storage on nodes that make use of ephemeral storage on the Kubernetes worker nodes
cStor stable A preferred option for running on nodes that have Block Devices. Recommended option if Snapshot and Clones are required
Local Volumes stable Best suited for Distributed Application that need low latency storage - direct-attached storage from the Kubernetes nodes.
Mayastor stable Persistent storage solution for Kubernetes, with near-native NVMe performance and advanced data services.

For more details, please refer to OpenEBS Documentation.


OpenEBS welcomes your feedback and contributions in any form possible.

Show me the Code

This is a meta-repository for OpenEBS. Please start with the pinned repositories or with OpenEBS Architecture document.


OpenEBS is developed under Apache License 2.0 license at the project level. Some components of the project are derived from other open source projects and are distributed under their respective licenses.

OpenEBS is a CNCF Member CNCF logo OpenEBS is a CNCF project and DataCore, Inc is a CNCF Silver member. DataCore support's CNCF extensively and has funded OpenEBS participating in every KubeCon event since 2020. Our project team is managed under the CNCF Storage Landscape and we contribute to the CNCF CSI and TAG Storage project initiatives. We proudly support CNCF Cloud Native Community Groups initiatives.

Container Storage Interface group Storage Technical Advisory Group     Cloud Native Community Groups

Commercial Offerings

This is a list of third-party companies and individuals who provide products or services related to OpenEBS. OpenEBS is a CNCF project which does not endorse any company. The list is provided in alphabetical order.