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GitHub Action

Gen Postman Documentation

1.0.3 Latest version

Gen Postman Documentation


Gen Postman Documentation

Takes an YML input and generates a Postman collection


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Gen Postman Documentation

uses: tellihealth/gen-postman-documentation@1.0.3

Learn more about this action in tellihealth/gen-postman-documentation

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Gen Postman Documentation

Using this GitHub action, you can take ownership of a Postman folder, allowing you to generate API documentation using a readable YML file. It's very intuitive and comes with schema definitions that enable your editor to support linting and autocomplete.

You can connect to multiple folders using multiple YML schema files, allowing one repository to manage multiple domains.


Here is an easy example for you to get started with.

Create A new Postman Collection + Folder

You must have a valid Postman collection named "Development" and a folder named "Users" within it. This allows the tool to take control of the entire folder.


name: "Deploying To Dev Environment"

      - development

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        name: "Checkout Repository"
      - uses: tellihealth/gen-postman-documentation@1.0.3
        name: "Generate Postman Documentation - Users"
          api-key: ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_API_KEY }}
          collection: "Development"
          yml: "schema/users.yml"


folder: "Users"
description: A mock postman API documentation schema.
  - name: "Create A New User"
    type: "request"
    url: "{{baseUrl}}/users"
    method: "POST"
    description: |
      Sign up a new user by providing the `name` and `type` of the user.
    body: { "name": "Test User", "type": "driver" }
      - key: "Content-Type"
        value: "application/json"
      - key: "Authorization"
        value: "Bearer {{apiKey}}"
      - name: "User Created"
        status: 201
        body: { "id": 3, "name": "Test User", type: "driver" }
  - name: "Settings"
    type: "folder"
    description: Manage user settings here.
      - name: "Update User"
        type: "request"
        url: "{{baseUrl}}/users/1"
        method: "PUT"
        description: |
          Update a user's information by using the `name` and `type` of the user.
        body: { "name": "Test User 2", "type": "passenger" }
          - key: "Content-Type"
            value: "application/json"
          - key: "Authorization"
            value: "Bearer {{apiKey}}"
          - name: "User Updated"
            status: 200
            body: { "id": 1, "name": "Test User 2", type: "passenger" }
          - name: "User Not Found"
            status: 404
            body: { "error": "User Not Found" }

This example creates a new request under the Users folder named "Create A New User," including examples with multiple responses. Additionally, it creates a subfolder named Settings, where you'll find a new request named "Update User" with the same attributes.

Supported Formatting

Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
304 Not Modified
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
409 Conflict
410 Gone
415 Unsupported Media Type
422 Unprocessable Entity
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Request Methods


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I must create a folder under the collection? Why can't you automatically generate it?

If that were the case, we would fail to take full control over a domain within Postman. You would need to manually delete requests and folders that were previously generated when your schema changes. By selecting a folder, your schema can serve as the source of truth.

Can we publish to multiple collection at once?

By adding an additional task to the GitHub workflow, you can seamlessly connect to another Postman account or collection. This flexible approach allows you to incorporate as many records as needed, ensuring comprehensive coverage across various domains.